According to comparisons made at Com, LCD TV comes out better against Plasma TV, when it comes to lifespan, burn in avoidance, depth, weight, and brightness. With those criteria, I suggest you buy LCD TV, Happy New Year!
I found an excellent site that is listed bellow. I will summarize, the technology listed after a category is the better of the two. Picture Quality --Plasma, Dark viewing environments -- Plasma, Brighter viewing environments -- LCD, Computer usage -- LCD, Fast moving video feedback -- Plasma, Longevity -- I would read the article for this one, Screen Burn In -- LCD, Size/Price -- Plasma, Power Consumption -- LCD.
Now is actually a great time to buy Plasma since the technology is going the way of the dodo. Many retailers are offering steep discounts on remaining plasmas to make room for the current tech (LCD) and the newer LEDs. Environmentally an LCD TV is better as it consumes less energy than plasma.
Of course if money is no object you might as well get LED since that will become the "norm" in a few years. Or you could go all out and get one of the fancy 3D ready Televisions. If it were me I would buy a Plasma if I could find an incredible deal only.
I would buy an LCD (120hz or 240hz only) if the deal could not be found or if I didn't have enough cash for an LED. An LED would be my choice if money was no object. The answers above mine really explain the difference in tech so no use in my repeating it.
Plasma is the best and there is no burn-in in highend pdp in samsung and lg.
Well I really like LCD's just because of the fact that they don't "burn in" like Plasmas. "Burn in" meaning that the colors get permanently burned into the T.V. Screen and there's nothing you can do about it. It'll be like a sort of color filter you can't get rid of.
I also like LCD's more because I'm a big video game freak. I remember once I was playing Halo at my friends house with a plasma and the game seemed to lag a bit from my controller to the screen. It felt really weird.
Those were my personal experiences with a plasma. I've also heard that high altitudes can affect the image performance of a plasma. Here's a couple of links that you can check out to see what T.V. You may find better. Hope it helps. :).
It is according to what you are looking for in a television. Referring to Crutchflied. Com, here are pros and cons to consider.
The LCD TV do not weigh as much as a Plasma TV but, the picture quality is not a awesome as the sharp, rich colors displayed by the Plasma TV.
LCD screens are usually brighter than the Plasma TV screens and because of this, the LCD is the ideal TV for rooms with a lot of constant light. Which One Should You Buy? Try LCD if you; -- Will have your TV on for hours everyday playing games and/or watching your favorite shows.
With plasma, there is the possibility of seeing your game still on the screen long after you turned it off. -- Will place the TV in a room with a lot of windows and a lot of light streaming in. -- Want to save energy.
The LCD TV is more energy efficient than Plasma. Try Plasma if you; -- Want the richest, clearest picture with rich, true colors. -- You are not able to position your new TV where you will be sitting (almost) directly in front of it.
-- You don't watch TV or play games for hours and hours at a time. You give your TV time to rest. -- The room does not have a lot of light flowing in all day.
I'd recommend the new, thin, power-miser, bright LED type if you can afford one. It seems the plasma TV's don't always last as long as one would hope. For example, I live in Albany, LA and recently a nice 60" one was broken.
Apparently the manufacturer failed to make the TV sufficiently bullet proof because after the beer and blasting party in his backyard (that's apparently legal around here) the owner was obliged to watch the next Saints game on a small black and white.
LCD last a lot longer than Plasma, is what the people on the streets say. You may want to visit the website below to make an educate decision.
The plasmas are on the way out so yes you could get a stellar deal, the burn in part of the image remaining in the screen after next frame comes up has been a drawback and also energy usage -the lcd beats in hands down. When you touch (which you shouldn't) a plasma screen it pushed in and it's similar jello or something where you can see color alteration and your fingerprint pushing into the screen whereas lcd it's just flat. If you have a stinker of a tv now and can get a ragin deal on plasma I would do it.
I paid $200 for an outdated lcd monitor and it's so much better than my old one I don't care if it's the best or not - it's so much better than what I had and I saved $800 off the original cost on the Samsung. Oh yeah, i'd stick with Samsung LCD. Good exchange program (swap out at ups store).
Best image quality i've seen.
I would say neither. I would highly recommend purchasing an LED rather than a plasma or LCD. Why?
Plasma is becoming antiquated technology. LED has a much better picture quality and though it may cost more, it is well worth the money. Think of it this way: would you purchase a cassette tape because it was cheaper?
Probably not, even though a CD is a lot more expensive, its well worth it because it is newer and better technology. So, I would recommend buying the LED.
Plasma cuz it has better features and qualities.
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