Looks like folks are a lot more active in this Barnraiser!
Oh my! It looks like Redgold may beat my 43 page record! When / how does this contest end?(Sorry if this has been mentioned in another question).
Wow, I thought I had done quite well, but @Redgold is a streetlength away already! Time to choose: No sleep tonight, or settle for second place... Hmm.. Maybe time for more drastic measures...
You guys are cleaning up on this task! Funny pictures of cats.
This is very nice, I quite like the subject matter of this BR edition, but.... there are some technical problems.... To start with the latest, I'm trying to submit a task, but it doesn't work - nothing happens upon hitting the Submit button. Refreshing the page results in loss of all data filled in. I did submit another task earlier today without problems.
Another thing is, I can only claim 5 tasks, which leaves me with little to do considering the time difference between Amsterdam and California, and the inevitable delays it causes with regard to task submission/ approval procedures. P.s. Don't hurry with response to this note, it's 2:30 A.M.Over here, and I'm going to bed now...
I'm kickin' back on this one. I was busy last week and the contest almost killed me - stayed up late, the whole bit! The first contest took me 11 hours - that was 11 hours on top of a 50(ish) hour work week.
This week, I have to hunker down and pump up the jam so I'm staying out of this one all together.
Redgold, you don't have to worry about me catching up.. As it is right now, I am limited in the number of tasks aI can complete due to my green belt to four. Combined with the time difference between my location (Netherlands) and US time, it takes ages for those tasks to be approved. I am seriously reconsidering whether these tasks are worth the effort in the first place.
They are fun to do, but without the competition 'carrot' they simply take too much time (about 20 mins per task).
It's great to see different members on the leaderboard for this contest! Hopefully that encourages everyone o realize that they can get involved.
Very cool, might try my hand at one or two of these barn raisings over the weekend!
I didn't realize this one was going to 500 tasks! Hope I can keep up my momentum!
It makes me nervous that @robbrown is nowhere to be seen in this list. That's a bit like Jaws when there is no sign of the shark... GULP.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.