Congratulations! When I see those green eyes and cute ferret coming, I know I'm gonna be looking at a great answer!
Thanks so much for all the nice words guys.. I've been counting down to this day for so long! I remember some of you guys being the leaders of the community when I started, I can't believe I'm anywhere near that level now! In honor (of myself, hehe) I've used my amazing cell phone photography, paint, and humor skills to make my own lolferrets for your enjoyment (with farrah's assistance, of course!)
I tried!
Huzzah, @girlieq! You certainly deserve it! And brown is going to be a simply fab-oo-lous color on you.
I'm doing a happy dance in front of my computer, and high-fiving my forehead for you! Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!
Congratulations, and the ferret is positively ADORABLE!
Congratulations girlie! You definitely deserve your brown belt. I always enjoy reading your questions and answers.
You're a great asset to the community. Enjoy your new status!
34th place in best answer rating is pretty good! Girlieq you are really rocking! Congrats and all the best for your future work!Bye.
Wow brown belt, that awsome congrats and cool ferrets lol!
I am sooo not surprised you have reached this milestone. I will say my congrats now because I am absolutely SURE they will pass you. CONGRATULATIONS!
Way to go GirlieQ! Welcome to the brown belt club. I know you worked hard for it and you deserve it.
Way to go @girlieq3000 and good luck. You always give very thoughtful answers!
Great job, keep up the good work, congrats!
Many, Many Congratulations to you @girlieq30000. You're the best! Super contributor to Mahalo all the way around.
Thanks for all you do here! P.S. I 'heart' Farrah too :)...
Great stuff @girlieq30000 I think that you really deserve the Brown Belt. Your questions are interesting and your answers are thoughtful. Mahalo wouldn't be the same without you.
Congratulations @girlieq3000! Keep up the Good Work! :D.
I am a newest member of mahalo. But I will extend my compliment to you. You really deserve that brown belt.
Keep up the good work. Good luck.
Good luck and congratulations! @girlieq3000 Before we throw you a party we are going to have to clean up first! What kind of parties go on up there in Canada?
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Wow brown belt, that awsome congrats and cool ferrets lol!
Wow brown belt, that awsome congrats and cool ferrets lol! You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I am sooo not surprised you have reached this milestone. I will say my congrats now because I am absolutely SURE they will pass you. I am sooo not surprised you have reached this milestone.
I will say my congrats now because I am absolutely SURE they will pass you. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I think she is Brown Belt material! I think she is Brown Belt material!
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Way to go GirlieQ!
Welcome to the brown belt club. I know you worked hard for it and you deserve it. Way to go GirlieQ!
Welcome to the brown belt club. I know you worked hard for it and you deserve it. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Way to go @girlieq3000 and good luck. You always give very thoughtful answers!
Way to go @girlieq3000 and good luck. You always give very thoughtful answers! You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Great job, keep up the good work, congrats!
Girlieq3000 is an enthusiastic and dedicated member. She details the Mahalo answers and often provides feedback in her comments to the answers. When she did that to my answers, I expanded them thoroughly.
She is active basically everywhere: Answers, Pages, Teams. A helping hand when you need it, she'll ferret out the information needed. Computer science is an area of expertise.
There's a lot of info in her bio. Congrats.
This is a day to celebrate! Congratulations Girlieq! You have been such a great contributor and influence on Mahalo, and I know you'll continue in your greatness!
*Please note that having a Ferret and/or Chihuahua enhances your chances of knowing the secret kung fu moves that are needed in getting the coveted Black Belt!
You're a great member, girlieq. Congrats in advance. :) P.S.You look a lot like my sister-in-law.
Congratulations. I really appreciate your helping tendency to vote other user answers. Keep up the good work.
Good luck.. though I know you won't need it... and congratulations @girlieq3000 welcome to the club :).
GQ is a one of the most active person I have seen here on Mahalo Answers. Congratulations GQ on your Black Belt.
This is great! I am really thrilled for you, and you have been such a great and supportive Mahaloian. I am going to say "congratulations" instead of "hope you make it."
There can be no doubt! Your communications, at least with me, make me feel like we're cyber buds, even though we never really said that. Your personality shines through.
I'll let others cite your sterling stats. Good for you!
GQ is a great all around contributor here on Mahalo. It seems like just yesterday she was being tested for the brown belt. I think she is well deserving of a black belt.
Good luck GirlieQ!
Well deserved for a wonderful person, and a true contributor to Mahalo in every way! Cheers and beers!
With her excellent stats and better attitude, @Girlieq3000 is surely deserving! Congrats!
Way to go! ,I'd like to be you when I grow up.
Yay! Rachel you are 100% deserving of this belt and then some! You have been ready for this for awhile now and I'm excited that it's finally that time.
All your tipping paid off eh? Now remember to keep your new black belt protected by this....
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. This is a day to celebrate!
You have been such a great contributor and influence on Mahalo, and I know you'll continue in your greatness! *Please note that having a Ferret and/or Chihuahua enhances your chances of knowing the secret kung fu moves that are needed in getting the coveted Black Belt! This is a day to celebrate!
You have been such a great contributor and influence on Mahalo, and I know you'll continue in your greatness! *Please note that having a Ferret and/or Chihuahua enhances your chances of knowing the secret kung fu moves that are needed in getting the coveted Black Belt! You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. You're a great member, girlieq.
Ghanan20003000 is certainly preeminently worthy of the brown: - 651 answers (58th on Mahalo) - 346 BA's (53% and 47th on Mahalo) - Tips Given almost 39% of Tips Received (!) and nearly enough for black belt qualification - 270 tasks completed - 170 questions (51st on Mahalo) - 55 pages managed (82nd on Mahalo) In short, more than enough in every aspect Mahalo to make @ghanan20003000 a brown belt well on his way to the black. Congratulations (in advance of a what's sure to be a "pass" vote from any staff members who vote).
With that many numbers after a name, they have to be good! Really, in just looking in on the stats, 270 tasks completed and over 50% BA, you are most worthy! Congrats on making the grade.
(Pre-)congrats, @ghanan20003000! I know you'll get to wear the fabled brown belt quite soon, you deserve it. :).
Congrats! You are definitely deserving of this gorgeous brown belt!
Congratulations, Brown is a nice color for you but I am sure black will be even better!
Good luck and congratulations @Ghanan20003000 Raise the flag, you deserve this Brown belt.
Thanks to all fellow Mahaloians for their kind words. I couldn't have made it to the brown belt without all your support. From the first day I visited Mahalo, I fell in love with it in every aspect.
FUN + LEARNING + SOCIAL NETWORK = MAHALO! The funny thing is I have been counting for this day for my Brown Belt, and I almost missed to notice my Brown Belt the whole day. :P I noticed about this and looked for my Test thread after @bunnyphuphu mentioned about my test in one of her answers to my question.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.