I can rock my son to sleep but if I lay him down he wakes back up, help?

I can rock my son to sleep but if I lay him down he wakes back up, help the only way I can get him to stop crying is to stand up infront of the tv and rock him. If I stop and sit down or if I try to lay him down he wakes up screaming, my back and knees are killing me please help, ive tried bouncers vibrating chairs swings I even have a cradle that swing Asked by angel2008 30 months ago Similar Questions: rock son sleep lay wakes back help Recent Questions About: rock son sleep lay wakes back help Health > Conditions & Diseases.

Similar Questions: rock son sleep lay wakes back help Recent Questions About: rock son sleep lay wakes back help.

Let him cry for five minutes, then pick him up, feed some more and then put him back to sleep. I had the same problem with my son. When we first brought him home I was so happy to have him that I never put him down, even when he slept.

So he became accustomed to sleeping on me. Which also meant he slept in our bed as well. Eventually we got tired of it so we bought a bassinet to put in our room by the bed and tried it out at nap time .. He hated it at first, woke up screaming every time we put him down, but we just kept at it, sometimes letting him cry for a while.

We found that when you are first weaning him to sleep by himself, he has to be extremely tired. So put him to sleep in your arms after feeding him .. Then lay him down (I found on the tummy works best) .. Keep a hand on his back for a few minutes until he stops stirring, so that he'll know you're still there. If he wakes up and cries, let him cry for five to ten minutes, then pick him up, feed some more and then put him back to sleep, repeat this and eventually he will be so tired he'll have no option but to stay asleep when put down.

Keep in mind sometimes babies wake up and stir and if you go to them too soon, you may wake them up completely when otherwise they would have fallen back asleep on their own. I know it's hard, my son is now three months old and it took almost a month for the transition to be made, but now he takes two naps a day at 10 and 2 and goes to sleep at 8 pm, and all of that time is spent by himself in his bassinet. And the work is never over, sometimes if he has a bad day or is just generally fussy, it's hard to put him down again, and he fights it.. But just stay at it, he can only learn if you keep trying .. Good luck, don't give up, nothing will happen over night.

Sources: babycenter.com/400_my-baby-sleeps-only-i... .

Help my kiddo sleep! My son's sleep schedule is all screwed up. How can I make it better again?

My son, now 16 months old, has always been a horrible sleeper. Part of it was just his own personality, but part of it was my tendency to nurse him to sleep whenever he awoke at night (hey, when it's 2 AM and I have to be at work the next day, getting him down as quickly as possible was my only priority). We kept up this pattern until he was 15 months old.

Then one day I had to be put on prednisone and we had to quit nursing cold turkey. He adjusted surprisingly well. Within two weeks he went from waking four times a night and having to be nursed each time to sleeping through the night independently five nights a week.

About twice a week he'd wake up once a night and I'd hold him while he drifted off again. He was going to bed at 8:15 and sleeping until 7 AM. Sleeping so much was blissful for everyone.

Within the past week it's all changed. He's back to waking up four times a night again...most times he cries for about 90 seconds and then settles back down, but it's enough to wake me up. However, most nights I have to go into his room once and rock him back to sleep.

He's also waking up earlier. Nobody's getting a good night's sleep anymore. I have no idea what's happened, or how to get my kiddo back on track.

I do realize that the cry it out approach might be necessary at some point, but I'd like to know of anything I can do before we try that. Any advice would be appreciated. Sources: ask.metafilter.com/133913/Help-my-kiddo-... .

1 We bought our daughter a bouncer chair when she was less than a week old. It was the only thing we could put her down in that she was happy with, except for her car seat. This is the model:amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Ocean-Wonders-Aq... was a godsend.

We bought our daughter a bouncer chair when she was less than a week old. It was the only thing we could put her down in that she was happy with, except for her car seat. This is the model:amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Ocean-Wonders-Aq... was a godsend.

3 My daughter liked it when we fastened her car seat on top of the drier and then ran the dryer. The noise and vibration helped her go to sleep. Also, babies often fall asleep during a car ride, so if you have a comfortable baby carrier you might be able to drive around until the child is sleeping soundly, and then put the carrier some place safe in the house, baby and all.

My son always liked to fall asleep in one of those baby slings so I could run errands while he napped, and both kids would fall asleep during walks in their carriages and strollers, and all were large enough that they could nap in them back at the house. My daughter liked her baby swing but quickly learned that if she grabbed the leg she could tip it over and bring us to her on the run. Neither of my kids liked bouncers unless I was right there with them the whole time.

My daughter liked it when we fastened her car seat on top of the drier and then ran the dryer. The noise and vibration helped her go to sleep. Also, babies often fall asleep during a car ride, so if you have a comfortable baby carrier you might be able to drive around until the child is sleeping soundly, and then put the carrier some place safe in the house, baby and all.

My son always liked to fall asleep in one of those baby slings so I could run errands while he napped, and both kids would fall asleep during walks in their carriages and strollers, and all were large enough that they could nap in them back at the house. My daughter liked her baby swing but quickly learned that if she grabbed the leg she could tip it over and bring us to her on the run. Neither of my kids liked bouncers unless I was right there with them the whole time.

4 You are going to have to bite the bullet and let him cry. I made the same mistake with my son - I would rock him to sleep. When I first started it would only take five minutes, then ten, and then it was up to an hour or more of rocking.

I decided enough was enough. I rocked him for 5 minutes, and put him in his crib. He SCREAMED at the top of his lungs for over an hour.

I sat in the living room with my fingers in my ears! Finally, he gave up. I went in and his little face was beet red and he was soaked with sweat.

I felt like the worst mother in the world - so guilty! Next night, same thing- five minutes, and I put him to bed. He only screamed for ten minutes.

Third night, he didn't scream at all. So, there you are. He knows if he cries,he is going to get picked up and rocked and hugged.

When he realizes he isn't going to get all of that, he will quit crying - I promise. It's going to be a rough couple of times, but he will stop.

You are going to have to bite the bullet and let him cry. I made the same mistake with my son - I would rock him to sleep. When I first started it would only take five minutes, then ten, and then it was up to an hour or more of rocking.

I decided enough was enough. I rocked him for 5 minutes, and put him in his crib. He SCREAMED at the top of his lungs for over an hour.

I sat in the living room with my fingers in my ears! Finally, he gave up. I went in and his little face was beet red and he was soaked with sweat.

I felt like the worst mother in the world - so guilty! Next night, same thing- five minutes, and I put him to bed. He only screamed for ten minutes.

Third night, he didn't scream at all. So, there you are. He knows if he cries,he is going to get picked up and rocked and hugged.

When he realizes he isn't going to get all of that, he will quit crying - I promise. It's going to be a rough couple of times, but he will stop.

Help! My son has regressed and is back to pooping in his underwear. " "how do I help my 2 year old son not to be afraid of going to sleep" "Help - I can't sleep!

" "Im looking for a book that contains all diseases and conditions known to man? " "i am looking for abook that is about a woman who gets on a plain gets knocked out when she wakes up she has gone back in" "what movie is the one where the father dies playing a game of chicken and comes back as a ghost to help his son" "In the middle of the night I rock my baby back to sleep. The moment I put her back in the crib, she awakes.

Why? " "How can I get my son to nap for more than 30 minutes? He wakes up crying and is still tired.

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Help! My son has regressed and is back to pooping in his underwear.

How do I help my 2 year old son not to be afraid of going to sleep.

I am looking for abook that is about a woman who gets on a plain gets knocked out when she wakes up she has gone back in.

What movie is the one where the father dies playing a game of chicken and comes back as a ghost to help his son.

In the middle of the night I rock my baby back to sleep. The moment I put her back in the crib, she awakes. Why?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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