My boyfriend critiques how I keep my living area and we don't live together?

My boyfriend critiques how I keep my living area and we don't live together. I have my own space and he's convinced I have a hoarding problem and that I refuse to get help. I tried explaining to him that I'm not very organized, but I am not a hoarder.

I told him that he doesn't have the right to say that stuff because it doesn't concern him. He disagreed and said that it'll affect him when we move in together in the future. I really need some advice with how to handle this situation Asked by leftychic 24 months ago Similar questions: boyfriend critiques living area live Environment > Waste Management.

Similar questions: boyfriend critiques living area live.

Dump him. He will only get worse. He is starting to control you.

There are many more boyfriends out there that will treat you with respect. If you don't want trouble, don't ask for it. Nevertheless, if you don't want to turn him loose, then tell him to mind his own busniess and that you owe him no explanation.

You are an adult. Perhaps, you should consider not moving in with him. Once you are in the same house with him, he will tell you what to do, critique your habits, nag you and put you down worse than what he is doing already.

You need to be strong, independent and have confidence in yourself and stop his controlling in the bud.

Bluntly, I would look for another partner as he seems serious trouble staying with .

First of all! This is your place, and you can do what ever you want there. If you feel like throwing the trash on the floor you have the write to do that.

You Boy friend has no say in what you do, unless he is paying for the apartment. He has to except you as you are. I will give him this though, if you two ever move in, or get married you will still be the same person and will be doing the same thing.

Some people think they can change the other person, but that doesn't work. A person has to be there selves and to live there life the way they want to, this is the only way they will be happy together. You might want to think seriously about getting a new boy friend.

A boy friend that will except you as you are, and only sees the good in you, not always trying to pick you apart. That sucks, and sooner or later would end up in some fights and divorce. Now is the time to put a stop to it, not later..

It may be... time to critique your choice in ceretain areas! Boyfriends comes to mind. Go try to find somebody with a sense of who gets to decide what, making use of, what was it/, Oh Yeah...brain cells.In his defense, you might be messy.

Also, the male neocortex is a slow developer and isn't finished until about age 25/26. Sources: rednecksputter: fill-oss-a-fer, inadequate education, been some places, done some thangs!.

JUst be prepared for a possible break up. If you ever plan to have a future with him, you may want to consider keeping your space a little more tidy. I am not sure how disorganized you are, or how messy the area is, however it could lead to something more serious, such as hoarding.

True, he has no right to tell you what to do or how to keep your place, but if you really like him, you may want to keep in mind that he may leave you over this issue. Just plan ahead.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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