You can fix your hair using Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it reduces the frizz, strengths the hair, protects it from any damage and leaves it soft, silky, shiny, resilient and healthy. It works great, I totally recommend it, I used to have a lot of frizz and split ends and now my hair looks so much better.
First of all, if you have not told your stylist how unhappy you are, you should. She may offer a full refund. Your hair should not looked damaged after a perm.
She should have recommended products, as well. To say the least do not go back in there, very unprofessional. For now there are a few things you can do to get your hair looking great.
You will want to invest in a good moisturizing conditioner, Pantene is fine if you are tight on money. At beauty supply stores you can find deep conditioning packets. These are a must have at this point.
Use the packets atleast twice a week. In between use normal conditioner after shampooing. The packets of deep conditioner usually say to leave on 5 to 10 minutes.
Then rinse. This will help tremendously. You also want a good hair mousse.
Tresemme is great and leaves frizzy hair nice and usually with great curls. Lastly invest in a hair diffuser. You can even buy them with the blow dryers.
After applying mousse, scrunch hair with your hands and then blow dry with the diffuser. Your hair will at the least look better!
If you want curly or wavy hair, getting a perm is the best way to do it. However, getting a perm can leave your hair damaged if not done right. This is a guide about remedies for hair damaged by perm.
Share a solution for this guide today! Here are questions related to Remedies for Hair Damaged by Perm. How do I repair my badly damaged hair after a perm?
Your hair is burnt. I've been here and I'm still here. There's some step you can take to improve this but its just going to take time.1.
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