My Moen Exacttemp shower valve delivers hot or cold water. How can I adjust the valve so it controls? It is new valve?

My Moen Exacttemp shower valve delivers hot or cold water. How can I adjust the valve so it controls? It is new valve.

The valve is a Moen Exacttemp 3/4 inch model 3371. I checked the temperature as directed by Moen after the valve was installed. The temperature was around 120 Degree F.

, but it wouldn't adjust down. I did succeed in getting only cold water after following the adjustment in the Moen literature. Again, there was no adjusting to warmer water.

There was no soldering used Asked by sinned12 38 months ago Similar questions: Moen Exacttemp shower valve delivers hot cold water adjust controls Home > Home Improvement.

Similar questions: Moen Exacttemp shower valve delivers hot cold water adjust controls.

This sounds like a question to ask MOEN directly. Here is where to find your answer: 1-800-BUY-MOEN (1-800-289-6636)8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday thru Friday8:00 am to 6:30 pm on Saturdays ESTClosed on Sundays and all nationally observed holidays. To contact Moen Canada call: 905-829-3400 Sources: I am a DIYer, too!.

2 sounds like a defective valve - but I have no expertise in your particular valve.

Sounds like a defective valve - but I have no expertise in your particular valve.

Go to their web site. This user has been banned from Askville.

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I get pretty consistent hot water out of the shower head, but the tub starts hot and gets cold. What could it be?

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