Greasy scalp can be a cause of many factors like improper diet, environmental conditions, heredity or hormonal changes. The important thing for a greasy scalp is to always keep it clean. There are certain things that you can do to treat a greasy scalp, some of them are: Use shampoo designed for greasy scalp, there is a myth that for a greasy scalp one should wash hair everyday.
I would like to say that if you are using a good shampoo for oily hair there is no need to wash your hair everyday, you can stick to your routine of washing it 3 times a week. You should keep your hair and scalp clean. While shampooing leave the lather onto your hair for atleast 5 minutes before rinsing it off.
Rinse hair with cold water or lukewarm water, avoid rinsing your hair with hot water. Avoid conditioner as it will add oil to your already oily scalp, if there is a need to use conditioner use it only on to your ends. Do not brush your hair too often as brushing causes the glands to produce more oil.
I found some helpful tips on how to treat greasy scalp, I hope this helps! 1. Look for shampoos that are made for oily hair.2.
Buy products that are mild and have amino acids or natural cleansers. Don't use oily styling products and apply these only at the tips of the hair.3. You can make a home remedy for greasy scalp by mixing mouthwash and astringent like witch hazel.
Get a cotton ball and apply this mixture to your scalp twice a week before shampooing.4. If you don't notice any improvement, switch shampoos. Even if you have an oily scalp, it is not necessary to shampoo daily.
You can also try an every other day routine. 5. You can skip conditioner for they tend to add oils to soften the hair.
If you need to use one only put conditioner at the ends of the hair.
You can make a home remedy for greasy scalp by mixing mouthwash and astringent like witch hazel. Get a cotton ball and apply this mixture to your scalp twice a week before shampooing. If you don't notice any improvement, switch shampoos.
Even if you have an oily scalp, it is not necessary to shampoo daily. You can also try an every other day routine. You can skip conditioner for they tend to add oils to soften the hair.
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