Thanks @buddawiggi, for pointing out this very important option at Mahalo. First of all, Mahalo itself has many topic pages about a wide range of topics. If you answer a question, you can often find a Mahalo page that has more information about that question.
For instance, if there is a question about Justin Bieber, you will be able to find dozens of pages about Justin Bieber, his Music Videos, his Home Town, a Freestyle Rap, and many others. A good way to find these is by using google, and searching for "> site:mahalo. Com".
In this case, the search string would be "Justin Bieber site:mahalo. Com". When you find some relevant pages, you can simply include these in your answer, by putting a double bracket around the text.
Here is an example, referring to "Mahalo Page Management":
Mahalo will recognize the link, and convert it to a hypelink. It will look like this: However, if you want to keep your links neat and tidy, you will want to add an alternate screen text. This works exactly like in the Mahalo Answers example: Put a single bracket around the link, and add the screen text after the link, just before the closing bracket.
I think that covers the most used types of inlinking. Enjoy! (PS.
Sorry, havent found a funny animal video yet.. I'll keep searching).
Thanks for sharing this; I wondered how people did this. My personal opinion is that inlinking can be useful but can also be overdone; when it is, it can become annoying. Also, imperative to actually view the mahalo page you're linking to before linking to it.
Some mahalo pages are more useful and relevant than others. For example, there's a fair amount of stuff on the page for tea, but if you link to a page that doesn't exist yet, or a page on something esoteric, it's not going to be that useful.
Thanks @buddawiggi, for pointing out this very important option at Mahalo. First of all, Mahalo itself has many topic pages about a wide range of topics. If you answer a question, you can often find a Mahalo page that has more information about that question.
For instance, if there is a question about Justin Bieber, you will be able to find dozens of pages about Justin Bieber, his Music Videos, his Home Town, a Freestyle Rap, and many others. A good way to find these is by using google, and searching for "". In this case, the search string would be "Justin Bieber".
When you find some relevant pages, you can simply include these in your answer, by putting a double bracket around the text. Here is an example, referring to "Mahalo Page Management":
If you want to keep the entire link, simply include the link. Mahalo will recognize the link, and convert it to a hypelink. It will look like this: However, if you want to keep your links neat and tidy, you will want to add an alternate screen text.
This works exactly like in the Mahalo Answers example: Put a single bracket around the link, and add the screen text after the link, just before the closing bracket. I think that covers the most used types of inlinking. Thanks @buddawiggi, for pointing out this very important option at Mahalo.
First of all, Mahalo itself has many topic pages about a wide range of topics. If you answer a question, you can often find a Mahalo page that has more information about that question. For instance, if there is a question about Justin Bieber, you will be able to find dozens of pages about Justin Bieber, his Music Videos, his Home Town, a Freestyle Rap, and many others.
A good way to find these is by using google, and searching for ">". In this case, the search string would be "Justin Bieber". When you find some relevant pages, you can simply include these in your answer, by putting a double bracket around the text.
If you want to change the name displayed on screen from the actual topic page, you can insert a 'pipe symbol, ( this one: '|'), and state the text to be displayed after the pipe symbol. Of course you can also link to emails outside Mahalo. If you want to keep the entire link, simply include the link.
Mahalo will recognize the link, and convert it to a hypelink. However, if you want to keep your links neat and tidy, you will want to add an alternate screen text. This works exactly like in the Mahalo Answers example: Put a single bracket around the link, and add the screen text after the link, just before the closing bracket.
I think that covers the most used types of inlinking.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.