Omg! Why does everyone think this 14 year old looks 17 and this 18 year old looks 14?

You're not a ****: There's people in my year who have done worse. There are three sl*ts in my year. They have all either sucked d*ck or had sex.

-All you've done is kiss people, you're not a sl*t for doing that. Yeah, you kind of sound a bit stuck up but if you act that way that's how people are going to judge you. If you want to be seen in a different light babes then just show yourself differently.

You sound exactly like one of my closest friends; we've been so close since like, we were 6, but we've never gone to the same school and she acts like a b*tch sometimes to other people in 'lower' leagues and takes the p*ss out of them, but she's actually such a sweetheart inside and she wants the guys she likes to see her how she acts with me, but they only see her as the sl*ggy, giggly, drunk girl on friday nights. If you want them to see you differently, act differently around them. It worked out for my friend, who is still doing the whole getting drunk thing but she's also been showing the guys at her school the nice her and she has been non-stop talking about them to me.

Go on, try it :) x.

Confidence. Charisma. If you want people to like you and trust you and be around you, let them talk about themselves.

If you want school to be easier, hang out with people who get A's on all their work. Give her a compliment. It's okay to be cute, just be the first one to compliment on someone's looks.

That helps me when I feel like people are always focused on telling me how cute I look. If I pay a compliment first, the other party's face lights up, and they are comfortable with themselves around me. True power is not how much money you have, but how many followers you have.

The women that smiles and listens and enjoys the ordinary person's company will gain followers. Be an encourager, and you will be encouraged. Okay, so maybe you will always be called a ****.

Just show confidence. Showing it is powerful. Love yourself enough to not care what people call you.

If you are a rose, and someone calls you a pansy, you are still a rose. I never slept with anyone I wasn't married to, and I had a great time in high school. No diseases, no heart breaks, and I could focus on school.

When I dated in college, I ended up dropping out of school. Blah! Stick to your 6 years you will be twenty!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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