PARENTING.. does anyone have a favorite funny parenting experience that they would like to share?

CALIDEE_MOO! Said: 1 actually my story is much funnier in it's entirety... we are so limited on space... I did booby trap the house as I knew how they would react.... they never went towards the kitchen to turn on the light to see where the spray of water was coming from.. it was so funny to watch how the kids were skillfully trying to get in the door without making a sound... they never saw it coming... I was sitting there busting up with silent laughter... and when they took off stumbling over the obstacle course... I lost it ... you would have to visualize the scenario.... it was a real hoot 'n' a holler.... I kept squirting... I had unscrewed the light bulb in my sons lamp so he couldn't turn it on... so he knocked over the ladder jumped up on the top bunk bed and I kept spraying... his friend was on the lower bunk all bundled up in a blanket... my son jumped down to the lower bunk... and unrolled the blanket off of his friend onto himself and his friend went rolling onto the floor... shouting all the while... "DUDE... YO' MOM'S CRAZY... SHE'S SQUIRTING US WITH.... VINEGAR! "... I told the both of them to never ever leave like that again without my knowledge... my son is an adult now and he still laughs about that story.... my oldest son was home at the time... and slept through the whole... how do you do... to this day... when my sons stay overnight... they always let me know when they are leaving and etc.... ;-D .

As I pulled in front of the park, there were all his friends laughing and joking about the whole experience while they waited for him. The smile on my son's face as he got out of the car was all the thanks and gratification that I needed. He got what amounted to a heroe's welcome.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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