Does anyone have any funny cooking blunders that they would like to share?

I'll start with mine... I was trying a recipe for making my own bread.... followed everything(so I thought) right down to the letter.... everything was mixed and ready to go.... but when I got ready to throw the package away, to my horror I discovered that the yeast packet was at the bottom of the box.... ;-o uh-oh! Not being very bright about this(years ago) my dumb bunny did the duuuuhhhh! Of unthinkables.... I don't have to go there... i'm sure you guys can figure it out!....;-p OMG!.... come on now you know we all have our momments ;-o ... okay you can stop laughing now.... and share ;-D Asked by CALIDEE_MOO!

48 months ago Similar questions: funny cooking blunders share Food & Drink > Cooking.

Similar questions: funny cooking blunders share.

What A Mess years ago while at work in a very busy kitchen, when I say busy we were feeding about 2000 people a week, lots of prep, tons of food, anyway I was the assistant to the Chef at the time (SOUS CHEF ), I just had some of the workers dump the boiled potatoes into the mixer as we were making homemade mashed potatoes. I added the salt, pepper, hot milk and we also also whole eggs ( used in making twice baked potatoes ) after this was all said and done I excused myself to was up in the restroom, well the chef walked over to the mixer to start the process of mixing and suprise................ When I got back from the restroom I was amazed at what I was looking at. The chef ( who was very old and forgetfull ) didn't bother to check the SPEED of the machine before he turned it on and to his suprise when he did, there were mashed potatoes all over the place, and I mean all over...He was covered, the celing, other workers, the walls, tables, it was in there hair, I mean were talking about 100 pounds of potatoes..... Did I laugh, not right then, but inside I was histerical with laughter, you bet I was.It took us hours to clean the mess up but I will never forget the look on the chefs face, potatoes and all.

It was a sight to behold.... Sources: Former Chef .

Here are a couple Years ago, when I was first married to the kids' father, he announced that his dad, my father-in-law, would be over for dinner. I had about half an hour's warning. Now my father-in-law was a lovely man and I wanted to do the best I could for him, but had no time to go downtown and get more food.

I don't remember what I did for most of the meal, but I do remember the broccoli. It was getting old in the fridge and parts were turning yellow. Please remember I was in my twenties at the time... So I put green food coloring in the water.

Don't do that. Broccoli then turns blue. Nuff said.

And then there was the lemon meringue soup. The meringue was fine, but the underneath lemon part was soup. That was when the kids were growing up.

Why do they still remember it? .

My one and only Brisket This happened to me years ago on St. Patrick's Day. I thought I would try making a a brisket for the first time. So I put it in my 9x13 Pyrex pan and popped it into my oven.

Twenty minutes goes by and I realize I forgot to put any water in the pan. I think, Well, it can't be that hot yet. It hasn't been in there that long.So I take the pan out and set it on my counter and add a little bit of water to it.

And what do you think happened? Something that I always thought was supposed to be impossible. I heard a crackling noise begin.

And then my Pyrex pan exploded! I've never tried to make brisket since!.

My step-sister, who was never taught to cook was going to make her first turkey. For her new husband. She forgot (or didn't know) that you have to clean out the bird first.

When it was all done, she called her mother and said the bird smelled funny and was kind of greenish brown. They ate out. The second blunder happened to my wife's relatives and a friend of mines relatives.

One couple was from China, the other from Korea. They were left at home while we went to work. They walked to a nearby supermarket and saw some canned food that looked interesting.

None of them could read English. When we got home the smell, was, well intense and pungent. Seems both couples decided that they wanted to try the canned cat that was displayed on the store shelves.

There was a picture of a cat on the can. My relatives tried to stir fry it and my friend's family tried to braise it. My wife recently bought buttermilk for the first time.

She wanted to take it back because it had gone bad. She thought it would be richer milk because it still had the butter in it.

Well it just happened today! I needed two sticks of butter softened, and I put them in the microwave. I was busy getting the rest of the things for the recipe and mixing this and that.

I had put them in for 3 minutes on 1. Then, I checked them and they seemed pretty much the same (and then I couldn't remember if I had even turned the microwave on! ) So, I put them on for another three minutes on 3.

Voila! Butter melted all over the microwave! So fun to clean up!

Such a waste! Luckily, I had two more sticks for my recipe, so all was not lost. Yes, I am a dumb bunny too!

There have been many other incidents, but this just happened and your question popped up. Sources: me autumn00™:0)'s Recommendations Dinner Party Disasters: True Stories of Culinary Catastrophe Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $6.39 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) Baking 9-1-1: Rescue from Recipe Disasters; Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Baking Questions; 40 Recipes for Every Baker Amazon List Price: $14.00 Used from: $5.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 17 reviews) If it doesn't pan out: How to cope with cooking disasters Amazon List Price: $10.95 Used from: $0.69 .

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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