POLL: spend your life in prison, or take death penalty immediately?

Personally, I'd rather see the Chinese death penalty used here. 9 mm bullets are much cheaper than all the drugs we use and just as final. You on the other hand, seem to see no problem with the $100,000+ per year it costs to keep a prisoner locked up for life and that doesn't include things like higher education, and any necessary surgeries and drugs the prisoner might need during all those years.

PS: I agree with one of the other posters. The death penalty should be renamed "Vermin Eradication".

Your thesis is flawed "Also because to me, committing the same act that got them in this deep of trouble in the first place is slightly irrational." The same act happens financially. If someone damages 500 dollars of my property and I win in court.

They are in debt to me for 500 dollars. To which I can repay what was broken. Now lives don't have a price value, but for the slain to be reimbursed by having the assassin slain is fair compensation.

If that's unfair, then financially it would be slightly irrational to your logical for someone to repay 500 dollars to the one who had damaged property as well. I'm against lethal injection because it's slow, may take multiple times to work, and we don't know if the person is in pain because the anesthetic keeps them numb. I prefer the guillotine since it's low budget, quick, and easy mechanics that can't go wrong.

It's hard to know what to do with someone that can't fit in society. I just believe the law should compensate accordingly to the damage done. My money example was pretty cut and dry.

I think a harder person to punish besides a murderer is a rapist. Since a murderer generally has a motive and won't kill again usually, unless their motive was so low like robbery over 200 dollars. How ever a rapist would be harder to keep from doing the crime again since they lack a motive and are equivalent to a psychopath.

But you're insinuating that keeping someone in a jail cell is humane. Which is silly, it's probably worse then death to sit in a small cold room the rest of your life till you die. I hardly find jail a suitable or human punishment.

It has a very damaging mental toll and makes people unfit for society once released. Both financially and mentally.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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