Should a mother that got an abortion get the death penalty, or life in prison for their crimes?

Hmm, my life situation atm is abit worse than yours. As i'm only 17, in a part time job & going to college to get certain grades I need. But everything happens for a reason, you were given this life inside of you for a reason.

Nobody can make this decision for you. It's on your own back & your husbands. What does he want to do?

I think alot of woman do regret having an abortion, but then theres some that don't.. I do find them one's that don't regret it, cold hearted but hey. I'm totally pro life, no doubt about it. It must be hard for you with your past experience aswell, but not every birth is the same.

This one could fly over with no problems. I'd say do what you think is best for you. People on here can't influence your decision in the end.

Good luck, I hope you do what is right in your mind. (.

Info if *you* decide you need it . . .

. If you go to a Planned Parenthood clinic that has a low-income program it can be as cheap as 100$. If you tells them you have no job, no money and no support they will likely have you pay the minimum for the procedure and get donations to cover the rest.

1-800-230-PLAN (1-800-230-7526) to find the Planned Parenthood clinic nearest you. If you are underage it will mostly likely be free and it's always confidential. You have the choice between the pill (which can be taken up to 11weeks, at home or at a friends house) or the vacuum method (in clinic procedure).

Personally I used the pill method so I could be at home with my husband but some women want to have the surgical, so it's done and over with when they leave the clinic. You will be financially screened - usually this goes on the honor system, weight/height taken, blood pressure checked, pricked -fingertip- to check for rH factor and anemia, you will receive an ultrasound or sonogram to determine gestational age. You may be asked if you want to view the image, this is up to you.

You will receive antibiotics, anti-nausea tabs and pain meds. Take them ALL. You must finish at the very least your course of antibiotics.

Follow all aftercare instructions and go back to your after care appt. This last step is vital, you must go back for your aftercare appt! Abortion begins a new menstrual cycle.

You should have a regular period in 4 to 8 weeks. You should have the option of receiving birth control - again this will most likely be free, take it and use it correctly. If you are underage you may want to check this site out to see about parental consent laws and whatnot. *Even if it says you need parental consent, you don't. Call PP and tell them you cannot tell your parents; by law, a judicial bypass must be available to those minors who just cannot get their parents/guardians permission. A judge signs the parental consent acting as a de facto guardian.

Abortion funding Some state medicaid program do pay for it, use this link and figure out if your state covers it. If they do, you can go to "welfare" office and get emergency coverage and the state and taxes will help pay for it. If you have any more questions or want/need to talk about it drop me an email.

It is entirely possible to have an abortion and not feel guilt because you knew it was the right thing to do. ~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion and I have a 13 month old daughter . I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.

Abortion: There is a Consensus

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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