Pregnant by someone I don't even no, he don't want the baby and I don't want to get an abortion, scared stupid?

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If you had consensual sex with a guy you don't even know, this is your fault. If it's a situation where you were a victim, you need to tell someone. Take care of yourself and if you choose not to raise this baby by yourself, give the baby up for adoption.

But you should have though about this before you had sex with a guy you don't know.

You don't want an abortion, so don't get one.It is 100% your choice.

First of all, I am so sorry that you’re in such an overwhelming situation! You are not alone, and there is help available! Next, if you don't want to have an abortion, then please don't -- for YOUR sake as well as your baby's.

I've heard so many women talk about abortions that they still regret years, and even decades later and don't want you to have to go through that pain. It isn't worth it. Even at a few weeks your baby has a beating heart, tiny little hands, legs, etc.– at only 7 weeks babies have been known to begin sucking their thumbs!

Abortion will kill this child - so please, don't choose to end his/her life. It sounds like you're in a completely overwhelming situation right now... but don’t rush into any decision that you may regret. Start by going with what you know, and protect your baby.

Between now and when he/she is born, you will have the opportunity to either find resources and people to help you raise the baby, or you can give him/her a chance to grow up with adoptive parents (There are adoption options that have the full option range from allowing to choose the family or to release all choices to the agency you choose). I recommend checking out - they offer 24/7 help (via phone or chat) to women who want to know their alternatives to abortion. They can also help you find a local pregnancy resource center which can help you with everything from ultrasounds to free baby clothes -- or even just a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to who has been in the same situation as you.

Again, I know it's scary right now -- but you are not alone! Many women have faced unplanned pregnancies before and are willing to help! Just please -- for your sake -- don't choose abortion.

You won't regret saving the life of your baby girl or boy : ) Hope this helps! Lucy.

Seeing women hurt after having an abortion.

You can do it all by yourself .. Your not wrong or stupid for having a baby with someone you don't know or are not gonna be with as long as the babys happy and healthy you'll be fine.

If you do not want to get an abortion then don't plain and simple. If you do not want to raise the baby there is always adoption. I am pro-choice, but you already said you don't want to go that route.SO your choices are keep the baby or adoption.

If you choose to keep the baby then take his deadbeat *** to court for child support and raise the baby with out him. I was date raped by my best friend and he got me pregnant (we no longer talk), he told me to abort the baby. I didn't she is now 2 yrs old and my little princess I decided not to get child support from him because of what he did.

But I strongly suggest you go for child support. Good luck hun and Happy Holidays.

Because if it is murder she should be charged with the same crime all things being equal. Gotta ask yourself this question If these people really did support a womens rights to her body why is prostitution legal in only one state? Why are they fighting for a womens right to kill but not a womens right to work?

Lol If she can make 100% of the decision than she can take 100% of the consequences it's her body let her care for it. Don't demand child support payments from me when I told you I didn't want it to begin with. GO AHEAD give me thumbs down you think I care?

You know I'm right!

The word is "know" and you should just get the abortion as soon as possible for goodness sake. Can you afford to raise a child for the next 18 years? People will say "have it adopted" but where are the queues of adoptive parents?

How much damage is done to a child knowing it was born & unwanted/unloved? Before 12 weeks it is simply a collection of cells, not a "baby". It has the potential to become a baby but simply conceiving does not give us the right to be parents when it is the tax payers money at stake.

I had an abortion when I was 17 & at college (nearly 30 years ago) I was very sad at the time but it was unplanned & my parents were not supportive. How would a I as a student have afforded to raise a child to adulthood? I made the right choice & never regretted what I did.

If men became pregnant rather than women I'm sure there would be Plan B vending machines in every bar & abortion on demand with no repercussions.

Take that deadbeat to court, get your child support and raise that baby right.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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