Rate these baby girl names(: Please?

Out of 10: Canon -5 Katherine -8 Caroline -7 Solange -5 Mackenzie -4 Sophia -9 Sophie -8.

Canon - 3 Katherine 3 Caroline 3 solange 2 Mackenzie 9 I just love it! Sophia 7 pretty sophie 5 average , kinda common.

1. Mackenzie- not cliched not hard to say 2. Katherine- traditional 3. Sophie/sophia- cute 4.

Solange- indifferent 5. Canon- manly name...

Canon- Nope, sorry it reminds me of the brand Cannon printers :/ Katherine- I feel like people only use this name now because of Kate Middleton Caroline- I like it, I like Coraline better though Solange- Yuck Mackenzie- Never liked this name Sophia- Its over used Sophie- Its okay.

Canon-3 Katherine-5 Caroline-6 Solange-4 Mackenzie-8 Sophia-9 Sophie-9 Hope I helped :).

I personally like Sophie, since it is my name. But also Mackenzie.

Out of 10 :) Cannon- 4 It's okay but I don't really like it Katherine- 6 Quite pretty Caroline- 7 It's quite popular and cute Solange- 2 I can't even say it lol Mackenzie- 9 I like this name it's really sweet Sophie- 10 Normal short and sweet Sophia- 10 (The same as Sophie).

Canon - No! Katherine - Beautiful, timeless, classy. Caroline - Same as Katherine.

Gorgeous name. Solange - Don't like it. Mackenzie - Trendy and I wouldn't use it, but not awful.

Sophia - No. Very common and reminds me of 'sofa. ' Sophie - Very adorable.

Katherine & Caroline are my two favorites. Sophie is cute as well.

Out of 10 Canon-6 Katherine-8 Caroline-7 Solange-5 (for some weird reason) MAckenzie- 4 Sophia-10 Sophie-10 Sophia and sophie.

Best to Worst Sophia Sophie Katherine Caroline Mackenzie Solange Canon Although I would like to make a suggestion :) Ive ALWAYS liked the name Natalie Mae.

I'm sorry but I don't really like Canon, or Solange, at all. Not a fan of Caroline. Katherine is okay.

I love Mackenzie, Sophia & Sophie Mackenzie & Sophie are my favourites. (.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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