Robert Mugabe Is Now Aware His Wife Has Been Having An Affair With Another Man, What Should He Do?

There is nothing he can do. It is common knowledge the First Lady is known as Dis Grace. She built a mansion for over US$30m, known as Graceland.

Dis Grace is well known in China and has several properties and a diamond cutting business in Hong Kong. Also let us remember that RGM whilst married to his first wife, Sally who was very ill, started the affair with Grace(a junior secretary, also married to an airforce pilot) Thus a relationship based on adultery can the one ever trust the other? AND let us not forget the other affairs of Dis Grace, Peter Pamire mysteriously died in a car accident.

Business man James Makamba, run out of town. Give a minute to the poor body guard who was present when Sabina Mugabe told Robert about the Gono Grace affair. The body guard "died" a few days later.So what should RGM do about the new affair?

Nothing, he's been cuckolded before.

Either forgive her if he thinks the realtionship is worth saving. If not then divorce her.

At the age of 86...and Grace is still sexually active... Mugabe has obviously slowed down...considering she is almost half his age! Either he gives her sex 7 times a week or just doesn't take it to heart that she is cheating.... she needs to feed. Let's not get into "huge-age difference marriages.

" This is a could example of the result of age gap problems....

He is still the husband and if he thinks that there is no help for the relationship then he should divorce her--she on the other hand should run and keep running--Mugabe can have her beheaded...

When the load is too get rid of the loose baggage.

Robert did something a lot of people do when they have power, they think that they can cheat nature. Nature dictates that you stay within your demographic, so that you can go into your golden years with more similarities than disimilarities. I think Robert should accept his fate or find someone his age.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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