Rocketeer Question- Does your dog have strange habits-Does your dog rule your home? Does the dog need special food?

Similar questions: Rocketeer Question dog strange habits Does rule home special food.

1 My dog is nuts and takes prozac. It figures. She fits right in.

We are best friends. Yes, I make her special food, cause she's old and has digestive problems. She doesn't like me to watch her poop, would YOU?

She does have her own bed, but usually sleeps on mine. I don't think she needs a cell phone. She doesn't really have any friends to call, but if she needs one, she can use mine.

My dog is nuts and takes prozac. It figures. She fits right in.

We are best friends. Yes, I make her special food, cause she's old and has digestive problems. She doesn't like me to watch her poop, would YOU?

She does have her own bed, but usually sleeps on mine. I don't think she needs a cell phone. She doesn't really have any friends to call, but if she needs one, she can use mine.

TurboB replied to post #1: 2 From your discription of her - I love your dog! .

From your discription of her - I love your dog!

3 She's a sweetheart, but has anxiety attacks! One time she gouged out two doors, when we were out. This a 100 year old house - it's really hard to replace those doors - so far we have only been able to find one that matches!

She's a sweetheart, but has anxiety attacks! One time she gouged out two doors, when we were out. This a 100 year old house - it's really hard to replace those doors - so far we have only been able to find one that matches!

4 Ya see Rocketeer I don't see any of that behavior as strange. Yes OF COURSE my girl gets horribly embarrassed if you look at her when she poops and lets you know it. As for interlopers, aaa I mean visitors, yes she can immediately discriminate as to who is acceptable and who is not.

If you're not you get a low growl. If you're cool then that little black powder puff on her butt wags furiously. As for what areas are hers, well silly Rocketeer, it's wherever she wants.

She's a Rotty afterall. And sleep? She wouldn't consider sleeping anywhere except next to me.It's why I bought a king sized bed.

There has to be enough room to prevent overcrowding. Unlike my Dobermans who have touch you, she just wants to be near you with her own space. Talk Uh huh, she does.

I'm the problem there in that I don't always get it. But she's pretty patient with me and hangs in there.My girl, Dulce, is 9 and a half years old so she's on the shorter side of life. This wonderful dog has given me more than I could ever give her.

Food? Bloody fortune but who cares. Innova.

Only the best. When that day comes that she crosses the rainbow bridge will one of, if not the, saddest day of my life. She gives me what no human can.

Ya see Rocketeer I don't see any of that behavior as strange. Yes OF COURSE my girl gets horribly embarrassed if you look at her when she poops and lets you know it. As for interlopers, aaa I mean visitors, yes she can immediately discriminate as to who is acceptable and who is not.

If you're not you get a low growl. If you're cool then that little black powder puff on her butt wags furiously. As for what areas are hers, well silly Rocketeer, it's wherever she wants.

She's a Rotty afterall. And sleep? She wouldn't consider sleeping anywhere except next to me.It's why I bought a king sized bed.

There has to be enough room to prevent overcrowding. Unlike my Dobermans who have touch you, she just wants to be near you with her own space. Talk Uh huh, she does.

I'm the problem there in that I don't always get it. But she's pretty patient with me and hangs in there.My girl, Dulce, is 9 and a half years old so she's on the shorter side of life. This wonderful dog has given me more than I could ever give her.

Food? Bloody fortune but who cares. Innova.

Only the best. When that day comes that she crosses the rainbow bridge will one of, if not the, saddest day of my life. She gives me what no human can.

5 sounds like a great companion Doberman! .

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Rocketeer Bonus Question---MY DOG IS WANTED BY THE FBI!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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