Rocketeer Question-When I say my prayers tonight-I will say something encouraging for all of you here in Askville?

Rocketeer Question-When I say my prayers tonight-I will say something encouraging for all of you here in Askville! No matter what--we all need to be remembered in our prayers right---? Now go PARTY!

Where's my bolongna sandwich? Asked by TheRocketeerâ„¢ 18 months ago Similar questions: Rocketeer Question When prayers tonight I encouraging Askville Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Rocketeer Question When prayers tonight I encouraging Askville.

Thank you. You and the great people here will be included in mine. Now you've made me hungry.

Where's the dang mustard? .

1 I have been dreaming about sandwiches too. So I'll pray for a sandwich and blessings for all. To bad I have to make the sandwich myself.

I have been dreaming about sandwiches too. So I'll pray for a sandwich and blessings for all. To bad I have to make the sandwich myself.

2 I will also say a prayer and I will say that a bologna sandwich sounds nasty. I once loved it but then one day I couldn't stand the texture. Might make for a great party .

I will also say a prayer and I will say that a bologna sandwich sounds nasty. I once loved it but then one day I couldn't stand the texture. Might make for a great party

3 Thanks Rocket, I need prayers for these darn legs. No more surgery, please. Love you, Rocket!

Hugs Grandmabx .

Thanks Rocket, I need prayers for these darn legs. No more surgery, please. Love you, Rocket!

Hugs Grandmabx.

4 I will say a prayer to all of you all. Special mention to you Grandmabx. My mom was a double amputee.

I know a little about that stuff. It was diabetes that got her. Pray that I don't get diabetes.

I have horrible will power. I drink, smoke, and eat. I don't do drugs though .

Knock on wood.

I will say a prayer to all of you all. Special mention to you Grandmabx. My mom was a double amputee.

I know a little about that stuff. It was diabetes that got her. Pray that I don't get diabetes.

I have horrible will power. I drink, smoke, and eat. I don't do drugs though .

Knock on wood.

Something to tell your Grandchildren! " "Rocketeer Question-has Askville become too Religious? I have been getting answers from the bible even about Salads" "Rocketeer Question---Who in ASKVILLE are you "totally" in LIKE with?

Be honest----cause today is "I LIKE YOU" Day! " "Rocketeer Question--Are the events and characters depicted in Askville Fictitious? " "Rocketeer Question-Thank you Betty White!

Nice chatting with you! I will never tell anyone your Askville name, however! " "Rocketeer Question - Who are the "Real Housewifes of Askville"?" "Rocketeer Question-What can you "Catch" here in Askville?

" "Rocketeer Question-Someone out there in Askville sent me a message ---all they wrote was " TY " ---what does TY mean?

I have been getting answers from the bible even about Salads.

Be honest----cause today is "I LIKE YOU" Day!

Rocketeer Question-Thank you Betty White! Nice chatting with you! I will never tell anyone your Askville name, however!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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