Should a child of lesbian parents be banned from a Roman Catholic school?

I believe this is wrong... To ever punish a child, for their parents.. I have seen not only them denied school for GLBT, but also for being born out of wedlock that is not the children's choice... However.. If being Gay or Lesbian is against the Values of their school and church which I know it is.. They have a right not to accept them.. This is one of the reason why I left Catholicism into my forming Heinzist path. I however, Also do not want people coming into my church or spiritual school and demanding to allow people to engage in behavior or activities against my religion or spiritualities rules and codes of conduct. So I believe it is best for the Gay and Lesbian, Bi and Trans community to instead of go to the Traditional Catholic church.. Look for the Independent Catholic order.. or a non-traditional Catholic church.....or, into a faith or a religion that does not discriminate based on Sexuality or Sexual orientation ... However, even in the Traditional Church.. you will find communities and clergy and schools that will not discriminate in this manner.... Many will state it is not a choice, others will state it is a choice.(being GLBT) I have met people who for them it is a choice and for others that is the way they are, and always have been.

I personally went through a phase where I thought I was bi.. But I realized I can not even go further than a friendship with anyone.. I do not really have a sexual attaction to anyone or anything I think Sex is nasty.. There is nothing attractive to me about it at all... I am often put down for being assexual just as bad as I was when I thought I was bi... On the other hand.. I would not want people who were pedophiles to step into my church demanding I allow this activity too. Although that is totally wrong, and should not be compared to Lesbian or Gays.. People who are anti gay and anti lesbian view it just the same,and do not want it allowed in their churches, schools, or anywhere near them.. Because it is a great sin. So, I understand being upset about it.. But it is best for them to go to a school and a church where they will be accepted and welcome with open arms, and not have to grow up with serious harassment and discrimination around them most of the time, or having to worry about the fear of fundamental Catholicism bringing psychological damage and harm to your children.

Now, This is not meant to make Catholicism sound bad, I still love their church and religion. But, I do not like Church politics, and I do not like any church discrimination against people.. for any reason. But every religious institution has their right to enforce their laws and values based on their beliefs.. So if they believe GBLT community is bad.. You can only expect them to not allow them into their church or community, or to restrict what they will allow.. Like.. Allowing them into church services and to be blessed, but not allowing Holy Communion.. as the one church I used to go to did.....People would protest against this standing their with one hand out to the Preist/bishop/Monsignor/Cardinal etc.In silent protest.. after communion... These people are better off to search for a Church and community where they will be embraced, and out outcasted.. But, on the other hand if this school is the only one available in their local area or district.. Then they should not be allowed to ban them for this reason.. I can understand banning talking about their parents.. or encouraging their child to state mommy and daddy.. or Mom and Auntie.. To hide the Lesbian relationship ..For reasons of avoiding discrimination, and personal safety.. In the Spiritual world, alike energy attracts alike.. and in the physical world.. People need to go to the churches, and spiritual and education institutions that are the best for them, and where they will be accepted.. if it is a public institution then they can fight for their civil rights.. If it a private one.. They can still fight for their rights.. But, a private institution is harder to force to change.. And when it comes to religions and beliefs, as well as fears.. People are strongly set in their way and will not change.. I have a grandma who is a fundamentalist Catholic.. and seriously extreme.. So much so she has been thrown out of numerous churches for getting into fights with the clergy.. who are not doing things the old fashioned traditionalist way.

I understand my 90 year old grandma feeling upset about the changes in her church... But, I also feel upset when I have to sit through her telling us all we are going to hell, because we are not Catholics.. Not, all Catholics are as extreme as Grandma.. and Many Churches will not discrimate based on sexual orientation .. but if they find you are gay bi or lesbian.. Catholics will encourage your to be abstinent to not sin .. So that can be expected.

I believe this is wrong... To ever punish a child, for their parents.. I have seen not only them denied school for GLBT, but also for being born out of wedlock that is not the children's choice... However.. If being Gay or Lesbian is against the Values of their school and church which I know it is.. They have a right not to accept them.. This is one of the reason why I left Catholicism into my forming Heinzist path. I however, Also do not want people coming into my church or spiritual school and demanding to allow people to engage in behavior or activities against my religion or spiritualities rules and codes of conduct. So I believe it is best for the Gay and Lesbian, Bi and Trans community to instead of go to the Traditional Catholic church.. Look for the Independent Catholic order.. or a non-traditional Catholic church.....or, into a faith or a religion that does not discriminate based on Sexuality or Sexual orientation ... However, even in the Traditional Church.. you will find communities and clergy and schools that will not discriminate in this manner.... Many will state it is not a choice, others will state it is a choice.(being GLBT) I have met people who for them it is a choice and for others that is the way they are, and always have been.

I personally went through a phase where I thought I was bi.. But I realized I can not even go further than a friendship with anyone.. I do not really have a sexual attaction to anyone or anything I think Sex is nasty.. There is nothing attractive to me about it at all... I am often put down for being assexual just as bad as I was when I thought I was bi... On the other hand.. I would not want people who were pedophiles to step into my church demanding I allow this activity too. Although that is totally wrong, and should not be compared to Lesbian or Gays.. People who are anti gay and anti lesbian view it just the same,and do not want it allowed in their churches, schools, or anywhere near them.. Because it is a great sin. So, I understand being upset about it.. But it is best for them to go to a school and a church where they will be accepted and welcome with open arms, and not have to grow up with serious harassment and discrimination around them most of the time, or having to worry about the fear of fundamental Catholicism bringing psychological damage and harm to your children.

Now, This is not meant to make Catholicism sound bad, I still love their church and religion. But, I do not like Church politics, and I do not like any church discrimination against people.. for any reason. But every religious institution has their right to enforce their laws and values based on their beliefs.. So if they believe GBLT community is bad.. You can only expect them to not allow them into their church or community, or to restrict what they will allow.. Like.. Allowing them into church services and to be blessed, but not allowing Holy Communion.. as the one church I used to go to did.....People would protest against this standing their with one hand out to the Preist/bishop/Monsignor/Cardinal etc.In silent protest.. after communion... These people are better off to search for a Church and community where they will be embraced, and out outcasted.. But, on the other hand if this school is the only one available in their local area or district.. Then they should not be allowed to ban them for this reason.. I can understand banning talking about their parents.. or encouraging their child to state mommy and daddy.. or Mom and Auntie.. To hide the Lesbian relationship ..For reasons of avoiding discrimination, and personal safety.. In the Spiritual world, alike energy attracts alike.. and in the physical world.. People need to go to the churches, and spiritual and education institutions that are the best for them, and where they will be accepted.. if it is a public institution then they can fight for their civil rights.. If it a private one.. They can still fight for their rights.. But, a private institution is harder to force to change.. And when it comes to religions and beliefs, as well as fears.. People are strongly set in their way and will not change.. I have a grandma who is a fundamentalist Catholic.. and seriously extreme.. So much so she has been thrown out of numerous churches for getting into fights with the clergy.. who are not doing things the old fashioned traditionalist way.

I understand my 90 year old grandma feeling upset about the changes in her church... But, I also feel upset when I have to sit through her telling us all we are going to hell, because we are not Catholics.. Not, all Catholics are as extreme as Grandma.. and Many Churches will not discrimate based on sexual orientation .. but if they find you are gay bi or lesbian.. Catholics will encourage your to be abstinent to not sin .. So that can be expected..

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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