Should Askville place answers on the discussion board? (helping the dialogue)?

(helping the dialogue) the DB are where the answers are appearing....LIke I Care if someone wants to copy my answer after I have posted it... not. Asked by atlantajim 18 months ago Similar questions: Askville place answers discussion board helping dialogue Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Askville place answers discussion board helping dialogue.

No, I do not think AV should do this. If the person doing the answer thinks their answer is good enough to be on the DB and if they can cut it down so it's not too long winded. I think they should also post it on the DB..

1 many of us no longer bother with answer slots anyway.

Many of us no longer bother with answer slots anyway.

2 If the person doing the answer thinks their answer is good enough to be on the DB and if they can cut it down so it's not too long winded. I think they should also post it on the DB.

If the person doing the answer thinks their answer is good enough to be on the DB and if they can cut it down so it's not too long winded. I think they should also post it on the DB.

3 some people do that, and some post on the DB, and realize it's good enough for an answer slot. After posting a couple detailed answers to questions, where I think neither the asker OR the people the appeal was sent to bothered to look at the answer, I now check and at least for a while will not use an answer slot for a first time asker, or one who looks like they make a habit of ask-and-run.

Some people do that, and some post on the DB, and realize it's good enough for an answer slot. After posting a couple detailed answers to questions, where I think neither the asker OR the people the appeal was sent to bothered to look at the answer, I now check and at least for a while will not use an answer slot for a first time asker, or one who looks like they make a habit of ask-and-run.

4 I have started checking to see who is asking. One question and I keep my time limited.

I have started checking to see who is asking. One question and I keep my time limited.

I am new on Askville and I have a question regarding Discussion Boards. " "Somewhere in my Askville travels, I ran across this statement "every time someone posts in a discussion board, 1 coin" "If you could make improvements or changes to the Discussion Board areas of Askville, how would you make it different? " "Why are there no answers on Askville and how can I see a list of answers?" "What is the most ridiculous discussion that you've ever seen on Askville?

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I am new on Askville and I have a question regarding Discussion Boards.

Somewhere in my Askville travels, I ran across this statement "every time someone posts in a discussion board, 1 coin.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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