Why do I get discussion board posts much more quickly than answers on Askville now?

Let me point out that I LOVE getting comments on the discussion board when I ask a question, but it seems as if I am getting actual answers much later than I use to. I may get 5 or 6 comments on a DB before I get a single answer.It also seems like people are using the discussion board to answer questions rather than post it as an actual answer. I guess this really isn't a problem, as an answer is an answer even if it is posted on the discussion board.

I just wonder why? Asked by DockDrumming 41 months ago Similar questions: discussion board posts quickly answers Askville Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: discussion board posts quickly answers Askville.

I'll Answer! The short answer to your question is, it is easier to craft a short answer to a question in the DB than it is to take an answer slot. As a rule, I'll drop an answer into the DB if, The question calls for an opinion, like "What's your favorite beer?" that doesn't need much support.

The answer relates to the Askville community as a whole, and I want it to be immediately visible to all. It's an easy question, like "How do I start Task Manager in Windows XP?" Most of the answer slots are taken, or the question is several days old, but I still have something to say.

Timeliness is important to me, and I don't think I can give a good answer if it's late. All I can offer is a snide remark. People also answer in the DB if they're afraid of getting a bad rating because what they have to say may not be to the asker's liking.

I tend to get bad ratings for bad news, e.g. , when I have to tell a user that something they want isn't made any more, or something they want to do can't be done. Finally - I don't like the anonymous feature. I want people to know who is answering their question.

I don't expect to incur favoritism, but part of Askville is the social interaction, and I'd rather be me than a generic head behind a virtual red curtain. When I post to a DB, I'm me. When I answer, now, I am just Answerer, until the question is closed, which can take up to 10 days.

Which would you rather have? Sources: Opinion .

Discussion board answers I do it and I don’t like that I do it. Still, it took some discipline to take an answer slot for this question. I started answering in the discussion when Askville gave us the option of revealing the answers instead of waiting for the question to close.

I would expect someone to have already said what I was thinking, so I’d look at the answers, which would lock me out of answering. If someone hadn’t said it, and I thought it was important, then I had no choice but to answer in the discussion. I guess I don’t learn, because I kept revealing answers and then answering on the DB and it got to be a habit!

There are other reasons, too. The discussion is immediate. If you post something there others can see it right away and respond right away, if they want.

There’s no waiting for the question to close and hoping you remember to come back to the discussion then. Some people really don’t care about gold. They’d just as soon answer in the DB and leave the answer slots for those who do care about it.

There have been problems in the past with ratings. Sometimes it’s just easier to put the answer in the DB and not play the whole rating game. Some here don’t care for the anonymous answers.

They think it makes things less personal, so they’re rather answer in the DB and know who they’re talking to. I’m like you, I like discussions and I don’t mind getting answers on the DB. But you sometimes get very good answers on the DB and it would nice to reward them with good ratings.

Sardis's Recommendations Cyberville: Clicks, Culture, and the Creation of an Online Town Amazon List Price: $23.00 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 13 reviews) net. Wars Amazon List Price: $45.00 Used from: $0.28 .

Answering the Q's Well I will answer your Q..... I think ( and this is just my take on things) that some people around Askville are trying a new approach. They are not answering for a number of reasons. This didn't just start with the Suspended Askvillers-some here did this way before stating that the GOLD-didn't mean anything to them and they were just here to meet, answer, play and I don't know waste time for some.

But this became more of the daily way after the Suspensions--- I don't know much about the suspensions as I was away on vacation and to tell the truth I just come and go without that much thought or interest-well not interest but I'm not the most involved....don't get me wrong I come here everyday and read around....but I'm not into gaming, although I loved hitting 1,000/5,000/10,000 twice and so on, I like my new Askville Friends a ton, and I love learning new stuff.... But I'm slow when it comes to the politics, the rules, etc. So I probably shouldn't have taken an answer slot but I did....just to give you my thoughts. I think they may have offened some nice people here but it can't get out of control either. Again, I don't know who was mean to who, who said a bad word, who was getting a 3 in plays well with others..... But I think that's why you are getting more DB discussions instead of answers.

People are making a statement, don't like the new anonymous answering and rating or don't want to play by Askville's new rules. I don't mind if no one answers in the answer as long as I get an answer.....But again, everyone here in Askville is different and that is why I like it! Have a great day!


It's always been that way for me. I use to think, askvillers were not interested in answering my questions, so I sent a pm to one of my friends, and voiced the question, why was I not getting answers to some of my questions? She said check the discussion board, which I did and found a lot of askvillers had responded.

She also explained, she was one of the ones that had responded via discussion board. She said a lot of people had been mean with their replies to a lot of her questions, and she found it easier to answer askvillers questions on the DB. It seems as though, some people just prefer this method, of answering, so as not to be judged by stars .

I'm sure some Askvillers will answer this on the DB. I prefer to answer questions directly. This is just my opinion.

Sources: my opinion and experience chocpudding's Recommendations Managing Online Forums: Everything You Need to Know to Create and Run Successful Community Discussion Boards Amazon List Price: $24.00 Used from: $10.31 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 22 reviews) A little something for people that prefer Dbs.

1 Because nobody likes the new "anonymous asker" feature. This user has been banned from Askville.

1 Because nobody likes the new "anonymous asker" feature.

Because nobody likes the new "anonymous asker" feature.

" "Today's Askville release has some new discussion board features. What do you think about the changes? " "Have you ever deleted a friend from your Askville list after reading a post of theirs on a random discussion board?

" "Should Askville discussion boards be closed until answers are finished?" "why do some people use the discussion board instead of the answer board on askville?

Somewhere in my Askville travels, I ran across this statement "every time someone posts in a discussion board, 1 coin.

Today's Askville release has some new discussion board features. What do you think about the changes?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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