So, when I ask a clarification question, do I still answer the question?

I don't know what to do after I ask the clarification question. Asked by pagnolia 65 months ago Similar questions: clarification question answer Amazon > Askville.

No, you need to come back and check the question to see if it has been clarified yet. Asking a clarification question is meant for the author to ask the asker for a bit more information on their question. Such as in one question someone had asked "Where is the best place to go skydiving?".

The clarification question was "In Seattle area or worldwide? ". Unfortunately, in order to ask a clarification question you have to commit to answering the question.

This a little odd, since the reason you are asking the clarification is because you may not be sure if you can answer the question accurately. The other odd thing is that there is no immediate notification that a clarification question has been answered. You see that a question has been asked, but you must click on "Ask a Clarification Question" in order to see if it has been answered.

Once you have asked a question, you must come back to the question and check to see if it has been answered. One method could be in the 'My Questions' section of your account page. There is currently a dropdown with several options (All Questions, All Answers, Questions that Need My Vote, and Questions that Need My Clarifications.

) How about including a 'Questions that have been clarified'. Or better yet a complete section on your account page that shows questions you have not yet answered, and then further mark those that have been clarified. This could also be a place that lets you cancel out of answering a question.

Finally, it might also be beneficial for the asker to be able to clarify their own question without being asked.

Or better yet a complete section on your account page that shows questions you have not yet answered, and then further mark those that have been clarified. This could also be a place that lets you cancel out of answering a question.

You may (but do not have to) wait for a response before you answer the question. When the asker responses, you'll get an email. Furthermore, it will likely show up in the "My Recent Answers" section in the my account page too.

However, you can still choose to complete the answer before the asker clarifies it.

Generally, yes Once you ask it, you'll get an email when the person responds to it (and the answers shows up on the question page). Generally, if you want a clarification you want to wait on answering to see what exactly the questioner asked so you'll wait to finish the answer until you get a response, but that it up to you. Sources: Having done it .

In theory, you wait You can't ask a clarification if you haven't volunteered to answer the question. You should wait to answer the question until you hear back from the asker. Personally, I find this too slow.

Usually, it's a question of "Did he mean X or Y? " and I answer both questions, often with emphasis on whichever I find more likely. The answer to the clarification question stays with the question and is available to everyone (theoretically to limit redundant clarifications)..

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I got a junk answer on a question that I didn't even answer.

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