If someone asks you a clarification question on your Askville question, how are you notified?

I haven't had someone ask me one yet. At least not that I know of... Asked by Lady_Wolf_is_Lost 51 months ago Similar questions: asks clarification question Askville notified Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: asks clarification question Askville notified.

I got an email that the person clarified the question and I clicked on the link and saw the answer.

You'll get word in your Action Items And then you'll get an email notification, provided that your privacy settings are set to receive emails such as this. I love this feature on Askville because it helps ensure that questions get the right types of answers that people are looking for - with no misunderstandings. It also helps protect Answerers against poor ratings for not understanding the question completely.It's a good sign if you haven't had any clarification requests yet - that means that your questions are clear and concise.

Kudos! .

If you could ask a question in Askville,what would it be. " "I found an unsolved question in AskVille and want to know the answer. Can I subscribe to be notified when it is answered" "Has a serious question ever been posted on askville?" "Askville decrease or increase points when someone asks a question or answer a question" "How do I add a clarification or modification ot an Askville question after it has already been submitted?

" "Is this the first question asked on askville (in '07)? " "Im new to Askville. How can I view the ANSWER to a question someone else asks?

" "How do you ask a clarification question? " "How can I ask a question in Askville?" "A question about AskVille's site...

If you could ask a question in Askville,what would it be.

I found an unsolved question in AskVille and want to know the answer. Can I subscribe to be notified when it is answered.

Askville decrease or increase points when someone asks a question or answer a question.

Im new to Askville. How can I view the ANSWER to a question someone else asks?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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