Somewhere in my Askville travels, I ran across this statement "every time someone posts in a discussion board, 1 coin?

Somewhere in my Askville travels, I ran across this statement "every time someone posts in a discussion board, 1 coin is taken away from the people that answer and from the asker. " What? Is there any truth to this?

Asked by CALGal 53 months ago Similar questions: Askville travels ran statement time posts discussion board coin Games & Leisure > Collecting.

Similar questions: Askville travels ran statement time posts discussion board coin.

Nope! Not true! No coins are deleted from anyone for anything, unless you buy a superpower or are "fined" for bad behavior from Askville.No charge to post anywhere!

It's free, so post post post! *Poppet*'s Recommendations 763 Chocolate Coins, only $0.08 each! Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Coins for you!


If that were true... then bae1023 would have negative coins because of the 1,668 and counting discussion over at "Discussion Board Game! (movie titles)" No, it's not true.

Absolutely not! This might have been someone’s suggestion of some sort, but there’s no truth to that statement at all. Nothing in discussions has anything at all to do with coins totals.

If that actually were the case, some people here would have been lynched by now because they answer most questions in the discussion only. While answers clearly don’t belong in discussions, which is why they’re called discussions and not answers, there’s no such rule on Askville. Discussions are a great place to discuss the answers after the fact, but nobody loses coins for posts in discussions..

1 I'm in your discussion board, stealin' yer coins ;) This user has been banned from Askville.

1 I'm in your discussion board, stealin' yer coins ;) .

I'm in your discussion board, stealin' yer coins ;).

2 Suddenly we're in a Beatrix Potter movie--that's the cutest, sweetest, tiniest, teeniest, little-eared rabbit I ever did see. I'll bet he could eat a lot of my lettuce in a hurry, though. And speaking of lettuce, are you any kin to "Cow of Death"?

Hum? .

Suddenly we're in a Beatrix Potter movie--that's the cutest, sweetest, tiniest, teeniest, little-eared rabbit I ever did see. I'll bet he could eat a lot of my lettuce in a hurry, though. And speaking of lettuce, are you any kin to "Cow of Death"?


Have you ever had the Askville Mayor bust in to your discussion board to tell you it's getting too long...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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