Sore throat that goes away while on antibiotics (on 3rd course) but comes back shortly after last dose?

Sore throat that goes away while on antibiotics (on 3rd course) but comes back shortly after last dose... Started feeling sick on 3/16 and the main symptom has been a bad sore throat - have also had minor "cold like" symptoms (chest and nose congestion, a minor cough and a brief low grade fever) which seem to have mostly subsided. Went to the walk-in clinic and was prescribed amoxycillin. Tested negative for Strep and Mono on first visit.

Sore throat went away within a couple of days of starting the antibiotics, so I thought I was fine. A few days after the last dose, the pain came back. Asked by Jaldopix 7 months ago Similar questions: Sore throat antibiotics 3rd back shortly dose Health > Conditions & Diseases.

Similar questions: Sore throat antibiotics 3rd back shortly dose.

It sounds like it keeps it at bay but doesn't knock it out. I had a respiratory infection that started with a sore throat and it took 3 prescriptions of antibiotics to knock it out. Talk to your doctor, and change antibiotics (try different kinds and strengths).

Germs are getting resistant these days.

Thank you! I wanted to add more info, but it cut me off relatively quickly for all the history! I've been to the walk-in clinic twice (hard to get off work) and to my own doctor twice.

Have been through 2 courses of Amox, and am currently on Azithromycin (which I just started on Sunday). Each time, the pain goes away very shortly after starting the new antibiotic. Nothing else OTC seems to be helping, including the standard immune boosters: echinecea, vitamin C, etc.Have also tried salt gargling, fish oil capsules, antihistamines and antacids (thinking it could be acid reflux or allergies).

Second walk-in clinic visit tested positive for strep, but a legitimate throat culture from my doctor showed nothing, nor did the full blood test for mono. Have also tried Umcka Cold Care, which contains pelargonium, which is supposed to help. Also tried Alive multi-vitamin, which is supposed to boost immunity.

Zinc lozenges, etc. Getting REALLY depressed and frustrated and don't know what else to try. Have an appointment with an ENT, but they couldn't get me in until 5/10. Supposed to take a trip on 5/20 and worried I'm going to feel horrible the whole time.

It's been forever since I've been really super sick like this. Jaldopix 7 months ago .

Start drinking vinegar (1-2 tablespoons, 2-4 times a day) to kill the virus you've ingested.

Sometimes too much unnecessary medication can deter healing, also the stress factor. Check your diet and stay away from acidic foods citrus and tomato base food, no rough foods like cereal or chips, drink noncarbonated drinks and lots of fluids...dont eat past 6pm to rule out acid reflex. Drink mint tea to sooth, gargle salt water (not too often) every other day or so , take antihestamines or tylenol for the pain, stay away from aerisols sprays, cleaning chemicals, take it easy so that stress won't lower your immune a week you should be better, I just went through this.

Hope you feel better soon! .

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I have had a sore throat for a month,i have had antibiotics for strep but won't go away, help?! I have tried everything!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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