The Rocketeer Bonus Question-Who has the most DBK's Discussion Board Kills?

DBK's are when you feel like you post to a DB, and that's the end of it! I have noticed that many times that when a particular Askville member will add to a particular discussion- and the minute they add their comment--the Discussion then dies---NO one will answer the question--like the Askville member had "cooties" and is not to be touched or is good enough to be part of the particular discussion. Do you feel there is a group that is manipulating Discussions and who can or can't participate?

Asked by TheRocketeerâ„¢ 35 months ago Similar questions: Rocketeer Bonus Question Who DBK's Discussion Board Kills Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Rocketeer Bonus Question Who DBK's Discussion Board Kills.

1 Testing, Testing. One two three, testing. ;-p .

Testing, Testing. One two three, testing. ;-p.

2 I add to many Discussion Boards and all of a sudden---thats it---no one else will participate in the DB after my last entry. Like a secret code went out to the Askville Community---that said "If that person is there in the DB--stop chatting on that particular and go elsewhere" .

I add to many Discussion Boards and all of a sudden---thats it---no one else will participate in the DB after my last entry. Like a secret code went out to the Askville Community---that said "If that person is there in the DB--stop chatting on that particular and go elsewhere.

Bonnie~S replied to post #2: 4 I think I've seen that happen to just about everyone. Every discussion has an end and you're not at the end of every discussion. Some people comment and then move on to other discussions, and never go back to old discussions.

Don't feel alone, and I don't think they have a secret code on Askville yet for "Ignore this person. " .

I think I've seen that happen to just about everyone. Every discussion has an end and you're not at the end of every discussion. Some people comment and then move on to other discussions, and never go back to old discussions.

Don't feel alone, and I don't think they have a secret code on Askville yet for "Ignore this person.

Bonnie~S replied to post #3: 5 I haven't seen you around in the discussion boards in a long time. I was wondering what happened to you.

I haven't seen you around in the discussion boards in a long time. I was wondering what happened to you.

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Askville discussion board question ,technical in nature.

Rocketeer Bonus Question - Askville---Remember the Stooges! How are you celebrating this great comic Trio!

Rocketeer Bonus Question----You Simply Won't believe it!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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