Why are the orange Bonus Questions still called Bonus Questions and found under the Askville Bonus topic?

The only 'Bonus' was 2x multiplier to the first person who answered if they answered from the Bonus window. They don't come up under the bonus window and don't have a multiplier built in anymore. Now they are just regular questions, only more annoying?

If they aren't 'Bonus' anymore, wouldn't they be the opposite of bonus? Would they be a penalty or disadvantage questions? If so, why are we being inundated with 'Penalty' questions?

Asked by Mamasunotheremuch 37 months ago Similar questions: orange Bonus Questions called found Askville topic Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: orange Bonus Questions called found Askville topic.

1 I can't answer this because I'm still not sure if you're Mamasu or Boxing! .

I can't answer this because I'm still not sure if you're Mamasu or Boxing!

2 LOL. I'm mamasu. We switched back last night.

LOL. I'm mamasu. We switched back last night.

3 Because we have been bad. We have been very, very bad. We've turned from a Community into an Unruly Mob, and we need to be punished.

The Powers That Be have decided to impose that punishment in the form of torture, and they have employed their Agents of Darkness to assist them in implementing the torture. I don't know about you, but I have nightmares about Haribo Gummi Bears and lacy-textured mid-cut panties, so I'd say the plot is working. Now we just have to show enough remorse and they might grant us a reprieve.Or...they just like messing with our heads, and the cheap place to buy and gibberish questions with equally cheap tripe for answers will continue to rain down upon us.

Maybe if we all start calling them "really good questions," instead of bonus questions, and clamor for more, they'll take them away, since we know that they don't like to listen to or cater to our wishes. ;-p .

Because we have been bad. We have been very, very bad. We've turned from a Community into an Unruly Mob, and we need to be punished.

The Powers That Be have decided to impose that punishment in the form of torture, and they have employed their Agents of Darkness to assist them in implementing the torture. I don't know about you, but I have nightmares about Haribo Gummi Bears and lacy-textured mid-cut panties, so I'd say the plot is working. Now we just have to show enough remorse and they might grant us a reprieve.Or...they just like messing with our heads, and the cheap place to buy and gibberish questions with equally cheap tripe for answers will continue to rain down upon us.

Maybe if we all start calling them "really good questions," instead of bonus questions, and clamor for more, they'll take them away, since we know that they don't like to listen to or cater to our wishes. ;-p.

Replied to post #3: 4 Speaking of gummis - here are some that look tasty.


Speaking of gummis - here are some that look tasty.


How can you search for questions on a topic of interest to you in Askville?e.g. Searching for wine. " ""Askville bonus" as a main topic! Lol!

Edited to test something..." "Askville Bonus Questions a HUGE success! " "Why are Askville Bonus questions that have nothing to do with science found in the Science topic area?" "Have the recent rash of Bonus Questions changed the way you think about Askville? " "How to do stop Askville from sending me notifications of "new questions" in a certain topic?

" "How do you think Askville might be improved if the topic "Askville Bonus" was eliminated?" "If you apply yourself how long would it take you to level up in the "askville bonus" topic? " "Attention Askville PTB! We are tired of illiterate BONUS QUESTIONS!" "I think the bonus questions are doing a lot of damage to the Askville community.

How can you search for questions on a topic of interest to you in Askville?e.g. Searching for wine.

Askville bonus" as a main topic! Lol! Edited to test something...

Attention Askville PTB! We are tired of illiterate BONUS QUESTIONS!

I think the bonus questions are doing a lot of damage to the Askville community.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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