I would like to see the 'askville bonus' topic removed from the bonus questions unless the bonus question is *about?

I would like to see the 'askville bonus' topic removed from the bonus questions unless the bonus question is *about* bonus questions. It is creating a monster in that you can level up in 'askville bonus' where you are getting truly astronomical points. I'm not blameless (I think I was #17 on the list last I looked) but it is getting out of hand and it makes no more sense than putting 'askville question' on all the non-bonus questions.

What do you think? Asked by Thannisan 45 months ago Similar Questions: 'askville bonus' topic removed bonus questions question *about* Recent Questions About: 'askville bonus' topic removed bonus questions question *about* Amazon > Askville.

Similar Questions: 'askville bonus' topic removed bonus questions question *about* Recent Questions About: 'askville bonus' topic removed bonus questions question *about.

In my opinion it is not going to change things much! You are right that people gather an astonishingly huge amount of gold using leveling up in "askville bonus" topic. I posted an answer and explained how this whole bonus question thing changes the whole concept of gold and high levels in Askville.

For more information please check my answer from the following link: askville.amazon.com/askville-record-gold... With my prediction the first L6 in "askville bonus" will be in about 1 month from now. That would be getting to L6 in less than 4 months since the very first BQ was posted on May 19, 08. Poppet -as the first person who got to L6 in any topic- worked hard for about 11 months to get there and this new notion of bonus questions changes all Askville metrics.

Having said that, even if they remove "askville bonus" as a topic for BQ’s it does not help much the situation, for the following reasons. 1) At the moment there are more than 300,000 bonus questions. People can go back and answer old questions and it is enough for them to get to L10!

(If such thing ever existed) Except if they remove old BQ's or they don't reward experience points for "askville bonus" topic. 2) The point is that there are tens of thousands of bonus questions listed under *regular* topics. Some of them can be answered very easily.

For example there are thousands of them posted under "shopping", "politics", "science", "current events", etc. One can focus on answering only "shopping" or "current events" questions and use it as an alternative to "askville bonus" to gather a huge amount of gold. That doesn't make much difference. The only solution that I can see is either live with whatever we have, or get away with the whole idea of BQ’s.

Obviously Askville is not going to get away with BQ’s. As Chumpboy stated in one of his comments, BQ's generate for them some money and it helps them to "pay the bills". What we can do and it seems, so far, to be the only solution is to try to live with whatever we have.

If one wants to do good one should try to make people aware of the fact that metrics in Askville has changed. Now people can earn 1,000 gold per answer and get to L6 in 4 months with a bunch of copy/paste answers. Is that something I like about the new changes?

Of course not! Can I do anything about it? Unfortunately no!

Another solution that might come to mind is to give *less* gold for bonus questions instead of more. That is definitely not what Askville Staff wants, otherwise they wouldn't have rewarded us with an automatic doubler on BQ's. Askville Staff rewards us for answering them.

Why? Because they *do* want us to answer those question for some mysterious reason. In any case, Askville has promised us to post more information about bonus questions in the next few days: We also will be posting another blog entry this week on a controversial topic: Bonus Questions!

http://askville.typepad.com/askville_blog/2008/07/introducing-our.html .

I would like to see it remain.....as a means of grouping the questions, if there is no other way to group them, or search for them. But I'd like to see the *value* of the topic "Askville Bonus" removed. I'd like to not see it appear at all on the topic leaders board, and I'd like to see the ability to level up in this topic removed.

If it could be "frozen" at a level zero for good, and gold earned on the basis of the remaining associated topics, I think it would be a more equitable solution. Of course, it's pretty hard to close the barn doors now, but as the #10 person in the topic, I wouldn't mind at all if the points or gold were revoked on this topic. Now, if you try to take away my toe cleavage points or gold?

You've got a fight on your hands! BTW, I know you've all met Mr. BQ, but have you met his lovely wife, Mrs. BQ? @Goldie's Recommendations Ruby Tuesday / Play With Fire / You Can't Always Get What You Want / Undercover of the Night (Live 4 track EP) Used from: $43.12 You *can't* always get what you want.....but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

And besides, it's not really the Askville questions topic-ed as Bonus Questions that really get the big points...they are just a very small part of it. And besides, what difference does it make if people level up in any category? I don't get it!


And besides, it's not really the Askville questions topic-ed as Bonus Questions that really get the big points...they are just a very small part of it. And besides, what difference does it make if people level up in any category? I don't get it!

3 oh--now I re-read your question and see what you are saying. But having the Askville Bonus topic enables all of them to be categorized easier, I'm sure is the reason. If they weren't they wouldn't be able to enable them and not enable them for us, I would guess.

Oh--now I re-read your question and see what you are saying. But having the Askville Bonus topic enables all of them to be categorized easier, I'm sure is the reason. If they weren't they wouldn't be able to enable them and not enable them for us, I would guess.

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" "askville bonus questions" "Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do like them, what is it that you like about them. " "What are bonus questions on askville?

" "Is nothing Sacred? Not even Askville? Bonus Question Answer Blitz by ONE person makes the Askvillers Questions fall.

Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do not like them, what is it about them that you don't like?

Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do like them, what is it that you like about them.

Bonus Question Answer Blitz by ONE person makes the Askvillers Questions fall.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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