The fact the joke is or isn't funny is less important than who is telling the joke. It is perfectly acceptable for someone in the navy to make fun of people in the Marines, Army, or Air Force, just as soldiers, Marines, and airmen are well in their rights to mock and belittle a sailor for his/her choice of armed service. Similarly, in foreign ports with soldiers under different flags being in the same place, the Canadian soldiers will ridicule the British soldiers, British soldiers will make fun of American soldiers, and American soldiers will make fun of the Canadian soldiers.It goes with the military culture and everyone has a good time giving other branches or nationalities grief because there's a shared sense of camaraderie because all parties involved are military.
When a civilian starts cracking jokes at the expense of the military as if they are in the military themselves, that camaraderie is lost and the joking is perceived as an attack. In such cases, those in the military, who normally have fun mocking each other, become unified against the civilian and tend to get pretty defensive. Of course, Gutfeld's nonpology saying that the Canadian military could probably beat the Belgians shows his complete lack of a clue regarding this aspect of military culture.
Now, given all that information explaining the hullabaloo over the comment, I'd still go all Sgt. Hulka on them and tell them, "Lighten up, Francis." It's not like anyone actually watches Red Eye.
I very much think that he should apologize, he obviously has no clue about what Canada and its army have been doing in Afghanistan, not to mention the loss of many good men and women. Anyone who is interested in what it is like to be over in Afghanistan right now should check out the book: Fifteen Days: Stories of Bravery, Friendship, Life and Death from Inside the New Canadian Army by Christie Blatchford. Its am amazing eye-opening read!
Depends on who you talk to I guess. Any Canadian military person that I know will make more fun of the Canadian military than anyone else could. Well, unless we're, you know saving lives and keeping peace that is.
I don't think he was making a joke, I think he was being sarcastic. What I don't understand is why he thinks they aren't doing yoga now? Have you ever tried to yoga?
Some of it is really hard! People who do yoga probably enter the military to take a break from it. What I think is offensive is that he could actually think people serving their countries don't need or deserve a break especially when fighting a war overseas.
If it's so easy to serve military time in Afghanistan, then why doesn't Gutfeld give it a try? He'd probably take a year off after serving a few days. S own ignorance of the situation is what offends me.
Should he apologize? No. I don't think anyone should have to apologize for being stupid.
They can't help it. Instead, they should just practice keeping their mouth shut.
I don't think anyone should have to apologize for being stupid. They can't help it. Instead, they should just practice keeping their mouth shut.
I don't think he was making a joke, I think he was being sarcastic. What I don't understand is why he thinks they aren't doing yoga now? Have you ever tried to yoga?
Some of it is really hard! People who do yoga probably enter the military to take a break from it. What I think is offensive is that he could actually think people serving their countries don't need or deserve a break especially when fighting a war overseas.
If it's so easy to serve military time in Afghanistan, then why doesn't Gutfeld give it a try? He'd probably take a year off after serving a few days. His own ignorance of the situation is what offends me.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.