Get in on this Groupon like site PRE-LAUNCH! It's the same thing as Groupon except when someone signs up through your referral link, if they or anyone they sign up ever buys a coupon from this site (which you get in a daily e-mail), you earn 5% commission of the coupon purchase price! You earn 5% commission up to 5 levels deep!
Also, if you sign up a business and they ever offer a coupon, you get 2% of all of their coupon sales! About 1000 members are joining everyday now. It is 100% free to join.
There are no coupons yet since the company is in pre-launch. It is launching around March 2011 though! Check it out:
There are lots of websites like groupon. I must confess that groupon has made its name in the area of promotion, deals and special offer announcements. But notwithstanding, there are still some great alternatives too.
Some of these sites include; *PriceBunch: this site is a good alternative to groupon and offers the same services too. One feature I like about the site is the reviews that you can read from people who have tried the offers or deals. *BuyWithMe: is another cool alternative to groupon.
On this site you can even see previous deals and access them if you like the offers *Adility deals: this site has offers from more than 40 cities in the United States. It is growing and when you become a member you would be notified of new deals, promotions and coupons. Other includes: *livingSocial *TownHog *SocialBuy *Webpiggy
Groupon's concept of daily deals is one of the revolutionary concepts in terms of informing avid users and subscribers to the site. The reason people flock to the site is that member can enjoy huge discounts in buying products as a whole. Thus competitors have mushroomed all through out the United States, as well as abroad.
There are a lot of competitors against Groupon, on top of list is livingsocial, buywithme, dealon, homerun, kgbdeals and tippr. As far as the competitors I mentioned is concerned, Tippr has the highest deal price, with users enjoying a deal price worth $51, closely following Tippr is DealOn. In terms of deals that involves low priced items, no one beats KGB Deals.
Accordingly, "while Groupon's commission typically range from 30-50%, newer players with smaller distribution may experience margin compression as competition amongst the daily deal sites increase.
The two “Groupon-like” sites that I have found worthwhile are Living Social and Jetsetter. I don’t think either is quite as good for what I want as Groupon, but each are good and worth a look. Living Social ( is pretty much the same as Groupon.
One key differentiator with Living Social is that on any given deal, if you share the deal with three friends and one of them buys it, the deal is free for you. I haven’t found that the deals on Living Social meet my wants quite as much as Groupon, but it’s still worth a look – more deals can’t be a bad thing, right? Jetsetter is part of the Gilt Group and offers great deals on fantastic lodiging around the world.
Since this is part of Gilt, they focus on luxury destinations, but the deals are amazing (often 60%+ off) and the locations are all “pre-qualified” by Jetsetter. I’ve never bought a deal, but maybe one day I’ll find the right one to match with what I’m looking for.
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