Was Conrad Murray fairly convicted and sentenced?

I feel we all knew Michael must have wanted this upon him - I doubt Conrad deliberately murdered him. Michael has always lived with a large amount of stress and sadness, I guess it must have been too much in the end.

In my own thinking...............take what matters and leave the rest.........

Conrad Murray would NEVER have been charged if it were not for " Michael Jackson"...............

THEIR deaths would have brought no such investiagation................ Dr. Murray, IS ' the whipping boy"...............

The TRUTH is. ........Michael Johnson HAD enough money to buy a doctor...............and you want to PUNISH A DOCTOR for having, been bought.

We really need to look beyond both, Jackson, and Murray.

He had a fair trial and will be in jail for less than 4 years. That is fair. Sadly, he will no longer be able to be a doctor, and spent most of his assets in his defense.

This will be a greater loss to him once he us released.

Yes. He received a fair trial and not a very harsh sentence in terms of time in prison. He was a doctor and should have given advice and treatment to Jackson.

The short answer is yes he is guilty and the sentence is fair.

Being a doctor means more than handing out drugs. Doctors, especially one so close to his patient, are supposed to be watching for signs of addiction and monitoring their intake as much as is possible.

Murray did neither and facilitated MJ for years.

Times have changed from the old days of "Dr. Feel Good" who just hands out pills. Look at how hard it has become to get things like pain meds for most of us.

Murray wasn't only handing out pills he was administering a drug that should only be given in a hospital, by an anesthesiologist, on an almost daily basis. That is irresponsible beyond the terms of simple oversight.

Every qualified witness testified that he was being reckless and that the drug should never be used in the manner that MJ was getting it from Murray.

I can't understand why Michael Jackson needed a doctor to get drugs. The USA is full of people selling drugs on the underground. It is a multi-billion dollar business run by the drug mafioso.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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