I know that Omega 3 is a great supplement to take. I take 2 to 3 grams of that daily to help maintain healthy triglyceride levels. I also take a men's multivitamin which contains some essential things that men need that women don't as much, such as lycopene and selenium for prostate health.
Vitamin D is something that many people are deficient in unless you get plent of sunshine daily. I take a supplement, 2,000 IU tablet once a day. Garlic is good for blood pressure and ginger is a good supplement to take for the stomach.
For women, especially, but even for men a Vitamin B complex is a great vitamin supplement to add to you multivitamins. In general, you can't get too much vitamin B, as what you don't need is excreted through your urine. But ask your doctor how much vitamin B is right for you.
CoQ10 is essential for the heart and those taking statins for cholesterol may be deficient in this, so 100 to 400 mg of CoQ10 a day is good, depending on your body's needs. Apple cider vinegar tablets are good too. It helps with weight control, with blood sugar levels, arthritis, all kinds of things.
Search apple cider vinegar and you'll be surprised to see all the benefits from it.
.The best multi-vitamin supplements are food-based and contain the most active forms of the vitamins and minerals in them. Centrum is not food based and uses some cheaply extracted and synthetic forms of certain vitamins. Not really trying to bash them, but you're not really getting what you pay for.
One brand that is food-based and highly absorbable (and fairly widely available) is New Chapter. Another I know of is MultiThera made by Klaire/Prothera (sold primarily through chiropractor and doctor's offices). I don't really have the right resource with me at the moment to tell you what key indicators you can look for when trying to determine if you're getting an expensive (but cheaply made) synthetic or a well-extracted, food-based supplement.
I always refer back to some notes I made when choosing the right supplement. Fish oil is another supplement that's often destroyed during processing. Most molecularly distilled fish oil supplements are produced using toxic fish and then chemically processed to get the bad stuff out.
Unfortunately, it also affects the good stuff. Ideally, you want a fish oil that is NOT molecularlly distilled but IS tested for contaminants (i.e. , one that sources fish from clean, wild sources).
New Chapter makes a Fish Oil supplement in this category. I know some chiropractors sells Metagenics EPA-DHA enteric supplements, but even these are molecularly distilled. Generally, you want to take both the multi and fish oil supplement immediately before breakfast and dinner (most good multis are 2 or more a day) and make sure the meal has some fat in it to enhance absorption.
Additionally, this will help prevent stomach upset, though stomach upset is rare with food-based supplements. Two other supplements that most people can benefit from are a Vitamin B complex (without excessive Niacin) and a probiotic supplement with at least 15 billion bacteria. The first because you use a lot of B vitamins when under stress and also because many foods that would otherwise have a lot of B have been processed to remove it.
The probiotic to enhance proper digestion and reinforce the immunity functions of the intestine. Lastly, make sure your meals are high-quality, nutrient-dense foods. Vitamins / supplements are intended to be insurance against nutrients lost in food production / travel, but don't replace the phytonutrients founds in fresh, whole foods.
As I also take Centrum, Omega3, and Osteo Complete, I never think that I should skip eating fruit and vegetables every day. I feel by taking these vitamins each day, that it's boosting my immune system, and perhaps giving me more added strength, but don't cut down on my citrus fruits in winter, or I don't cut down my fish or protein intake. I think some people think if they are taking vitamins, they can skip certain foods.
I don't feel this is true. I just think the vitamins are an extra helping hand! I also have had the odd day that I forgot to take them, but I always take them at the same time everyday, after lunch.
But if you miss a day, I'm sure it's not going to affect the good work they do!
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