I guess that I'm a little unusual, because I enjoy both, equally depending on how the mood takes me. I'm not concerned about paying a lot for wine and in Spain we are very lucky, because we don't need to. But I am fussy about the taste.
For me to enjoy red wine I want to smell and taste rich fruit flavors, blackberry, cherry and blackcurrant, with a nice oaky tone. I don't enjoy red wines that have a high tannin content, it can be heavy and slightly bitter. A white wine needs to be crisp, clean tasting and fruity, on the dry side, but not too acidic.As long as the wine meets this criteria, I don't mind about the type of grape or the brand at all.
I like both kinds of wines, but red wine is more beneficial for the heart. It's the properties of the concord grapes in the wine that makes it beneficial. Of course drinking wine in moderation is always the best, but one glass a day proves to be helpful for the circulation and the heart.
I always enjoy having one with a meal. White wine is also very good and goes well with certain foods that red wines don't. It's a sweeter wine in general, so I like to have it with foods that aren't sweet.
Eating it with sweet food doesn't complement each other. That's when I prefer the red wine. White wine is made from white grapes or red grapes which had the skin removed before the fermentation process.It's the skin from the grapes that have all the great properties that are good for heart health.
I guess that I'm a little unusual, because I enjoy both, equally depending on how the mood takes me. I'm not concerned about paying a lot for wine and in Spain we are very lucky, because we don't need to. But I am fussy about the taste.
For me to enjoy red wine I want to smell and taste rich fruit flavors, blackberry, cherry and blackcurrant, with a nice oaky tone. I don't enjoy red wines that have a high tannin content, it can be heavy and slightly bitter. A white wine needs to be crisp, clean tasting and fruity, on the dry side, but not too acidic.
As long as the wine meets this criteria, I don't mind about the type of grape or the brand at all.
I like both kinds of wines, but red wine is more beneficial for the heart. It's the properties of the concord grapes in the wine that makes it beneficial. Of course drinking wine in moderation is always the best, but one glass a day proves to be helpful for the circulation and the heart.
I always enjoy having one with a meal. White wine is also very good and goes well with certain foods that red wines don't. It's a sweeter wine in general, so I like to have it with foods that aren't sweet.
Eating it with sweet food doesn't complement each other. That's when I prefer the red wine. White wine is made from white grapes or red grapes which had the skin removed before the fermentation process.
It's the skin from the grapes that have all the great properties that are good for heart health.
Beyond the color, the differences between white and red wine come down to the taste. White wines are generally from white grapes, but they can also come from black or red grapes but the skin must be removed. White wines are generally lighter tasting with fruit flavoring.
White wine can be sweet or dry. The skin is what contains the pigmentation of the grape, and it is kept in tact during the fermentation process therefore keeping the coloring and subtle taste differences in tact. The tannins in the red wine, coming from the skins, are what give it the dry, puckery sensation in the mouth and throat.
I personally do enjoy red wine, but I prefer white wines. It largely depends on what I am eating, and sometimes on my mood, if I want a Shiraz versus a Riesling. I think it just comes down to the individuals tastes, because I wouldn't say I'm strictly white or red.
I have found reds that I don't like, and other reds that I love. The same holds true with whites. But generally speaking, I like the lighter, drier wines versus the overly sweet ones.
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