Pairing wine and cheese can be lots of fun and you do have some options. You can explore different cheeses from a particular country, cheeses made from different milks or cheeses with varied textures. Here are a few options for you to consider, but take a look at the links below if you'd like to learn about some more choices.
Let's start with your red wine selection. Traditionally, red wines have been paired with hard cheeses. Here are some possibilities: Camembert, Sharp Cheddar, Blue For a white wine, in this case a Chardonnay, you may find that your guests will enjoy some stronger flavored cheeses such as; Epoisses or any pungent cheese that is 'in the rind, Mild Cheddar, Gruyere.
Good luck with your wine and cheese party, hope it's a hit.
Although I love both wine and a multitude of cheeses, I cannot take full credit for this answer. However, I found a couple of good websites that will provide you some ideas and suggestions for pairing wine with cheese. I wish I knew more about the finer foods, but I settle for just enjoying them when I can afford it.
Hopefully these tips will help you. It seems to be that with a rich red wine, a mild cheese is better. Try to avoid soft cheese with a bold Cabernet.
I'm not sure whether the wine you're using is strong or not, but some recommendations for red wine in general are Gouda (which I personally love), Scharfe Maxx, or Le Moulis. These are all pretty firm cheeses, so that seems to fit with the rule I talked about above, especially if you're drinking a full flavored red wine. For white wine, you can experiment more with different textures of cheese, at least in my opinion.
For me, almost any type of cheese goes with white wine! Cheeses like Havarti, Camembert, Epoisses, and Brie are some recommendations. With white wine, you can veer towards softer, stronger cheeses, but hard, mild cheese can be good too.
Really, there's no set rule about wine and cheese. If you know what kind of wine you will be drinking and the flavors that will be involved in that, then deciding which cheese to go with will be easier. I hope my suggestions helped, and if you would like to, you can check out the sources I used for more input.
Good luck and have fun! Wine and cheese parties are the best!
Here are some examples of great cheeses to serve at a party with red wine and also those you can serve with white wine. There are also some that would go well with your chardonnay and cabernet. These are some examples of great cheeses to serve at a party with Red wines: Red wine pair better with cheeses that are hard and have a milder flavor.
Such as the Sharp Cheddar cheese, Blue cheese, Camembert cheese, Asiago, Gorgonzola, Parmigiano-Reggiano and Stilton * Cabernet Sauvignon: for this red wine the best cheeses to use are Sharp Cheddar cheese, Blue cheese and Camembert cheese. * Shiraz: you can pair this wine with Sharp Cheddar cheese. *Amarone: Asiago, Gorgonzola and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses would go with this red wine.
*Port: And for this wine, you can go with Gorgonzola and Stilton White wine are better paired with softer cheeses with stronger flavors such as the Mild Cheddar, Gruyere, Provolone, Brie, Camembert, Swiss, Roquefort, Blue cheese, Gouda, goat cheese and most German cheeses,. *Chardonnay: this white wine is best paired with Mild Cheddar, Provolone and Gruyere. *Sauvignon Blanc and Loire Valley wines: are great with goat cheese *Champagne: Champagne pairs perfectly well with Brie cheese.
* Sauternes: taste better when paired with Roquefort cheese. To get the best from your cheeses, make sure you serve them at room temperature. You can bring them out of the refrigerator few hours before the party begins.
Smoked gouda, brie, pepper jack, and chevre offer an amusing quartet of different tastes, and textures to pair with red white. Pears, grapes and some crackers are also good sides.
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