You can try this one family-vacation-getaways-at-los-angeles-... Griffith Park Christmas Fun! family-vacation-getaways-at-los-angeles-... How to Celebrate Christmas Los Angeles CA family-vacation-getaways-at-los-angeles-... Things to do place to go people to see Boat Parade 2008 How to Celebrate Christmas in Los Angeles
I've only been to LA once but me and my wife went to this house the "L. Ron Hubbard Winter Wonderland on Hollywood Blvd" they have free eggnog and cookies there. I think they do it every year.
You can do quite a number of things. Check this out!
Most stores are closed on Christmas Day and on Christmas Eve most close early and are a mad house, as well as very Christmas oriented. These days are a great time to visit the beach, at least to just walk around and enjoy the view. Even if it is chilly, it is great to see the waves and you won't be battling crowds to get parking!
I would think about driving down to Laguna, which is a beautiful beach city in Orange County. Might take you 45 min. There are shops, art galleries, and restaurants.
The day of Christmas Eve is probably better, because there are some privately owned places and who knows how much would be open on Christmas Day. I would recommend Main Beach. There is a nice coffee shop on the corner that has outside seating, with heaters, and a nice view of the ocean.
Even if it is chilly and/or cloudy it is an impressive area to look at. You could driving around and look for more great views. The city is full of beaches and hills.
You could also choose Santa Monica beach, near Los Angeles, which has a pier on amusement area.
I'm sure it will be decorated for Christmas, but a shipboard tour shouldn't focus on Christmas. There are most likely no tours on Dec 25th.
You could check their websites. That should take you maybe 2 hours driving if there is traffic, but you might be able to do it in an hour and a half. Https://secure.reservexl.Net/wwwimg/img/tours/237-5.
Jpg Here's a site that give you an idea of what you are in for and it lists a few places.
We left the LA area when I was 7. (My asthma doctor told my parents that if they ever wanted to have an 8 year old they had to get me out of he smog. ) Anyhow, I hate to threadjack your question, but the best thing to do in LA is to go see the Rose Parade live and in person.So get to bed early, leave something out for santa and we'll see you next year at the parade!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.