Endometriosis is the growth of endometrial cells (from the lining of the uterus) outside the uterus. The cause of endometriosis is unknown. It is estimated that Endometriosis affects over one million women (estimates range from 3% to 18% of women) in the United States.
The complete cause of endometriosis is not known to the researchers. In the following areas investigation is proceed on: t2.gstatic.com/images? Q=tbn:LEKGs0dOgE9s8M:
Although retrograde MENSTRUATION (RM) is a definite cause in some women. It is suggested that unusual DEPOSITION of the endometrial tissue by backing up of MENSTRUAL flow into the “Fallopian Tubes� And the pelvic during menstruation.
This condition is termed as retrograde menstruation. But retrograde menstruation cannot be the sole cause of endometriosis of all women. 2.
Another cause to some women is coelomic metaplasia. PRIMITIVE cells (PC) of the lining the pelvic organs are able to grow into other forms of tissue, such as endometrial cells which cause endometriosis to some women. This process is termed coelomic metaplasia.
t2.gstatic.com/images? Q=tbn:KNjWmAbr53Qe3M:http://graphics8.nytimes. Com/images/2007/08/01/health/adam/17064.
Jpg 3. FREQUENT surgery (episiotomy / Cesarean section) a cause of endometriosis to some women. Direct transfer of endometrial tissues during surgery is responsible for endometriosis in some women.
4. TRANSFER of endometrial cells is another cause of endometriosis in some women. Transfer of endometrial cells via the bloodstream / lymphatic system is the most likely explanation for the endometriosis in some women.
5. IMMUNE RESPONSE or hereditary is the cause of endometriosis observed in some women. It is shown that alternations in the immune response in some women affect the body's natural ability to recognize and destroy any misdirected growth of endometrial tissue and cause endometriosis.
t2.gstatic.com/images? Q=tbn:KTIybEUflvnJuM:http://femalecare. Net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/endometriosis.
Jpg -quote- • Endometriosis is the growth of endometrial tissue (cells that normally grow inside the uterus (womb), but in a location outside of the uterus. Endometriosis is most commonly found on other organs of the pelvis. €¢ The exact cause of endometriosis has not been identified.
€¢ Endometriosis is more common in women who are experiencing infertility than in fertile women, but the condition does not fully prevent conception. €¢ Most women with endometriosis have no symptoms, in which case therapy is neither appropriate nor necessary. €¢ Pelvic pain during menstruation or ovulation can be a symptom of endometriosis, but may also occur in normal women.
€¢ Endometriosis can be suspected by the practitioner by the woman's pattern of symptoms, and sometimes during a physical examination, but the definite diagnosis is confirmed by surgery, usually laparoscopy. €¢ Treatment of endometriosis includes medication and surgery for both pain relief and treatment of infertility if pregnancy is desired. -end quote- http://www.medicinenet.com › ... › endometriosis index - http://www.emedicinehealth.com › home › topics az list http://www.medicinenet.com/endometriosis/page2.
Htm#tocd http://www.endometriosis.org/causes.html http://www.endo-resolved.com/cause.html.
It is true that more women are being diagnosed with endometriosis this days. The cause of this disease is still not known, although there are different hypothesis concerning what may be the causes of this disease. One hypothesis states that endometriosis may occur when menstrual blood that contains endometrial cells flow back through the fallopian tubes and take root and grows.
Another theory holds that it could occur when the blood carries endometrial cells to other areas in the body or could even be hereditary. There are also some hypothesis that holds that birth defects, environment, transplantation, the body’s immune system and hormonal dysfunction could be factors that may cause endometriosis in women. I t is possible that yours might be caused by hereditary factors, since your mom and sister were also diagnosed with it.
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