I would have to say the Gold N Hot curling irons get the hottest. I had the opportunity to work at a beauty supply store for many years. I tried many curling irons, even Marcels.
Out of all that I tried the Gold N Hot wins for the hottest. It has a temperature setting. I usually use medium heat and my daughter has to turn it on low.
The Gold N Hot brand is designed for ethnic hair, which can also be considered unruly, or hard to style. The curling irons come in different size barrels. Just decide what size curls you want.3/4" is about the norm.
You can find these at beauty supply stores, such as Sally's. I bought my last one for about $25. They last a long time and are worth every penny.
One of the best curling iron that heats up fast according to customers who have used this is the Conair Instant Heat Curling Iron. It is made of basic chrome-barrel curling iron that will surely meet your needs. It gets good reviews from users and some said that this type will get hot fast and works better compared to other expensive models.It has 25 adjustable temperature settings, dual voltage and a tangle-free swivel cord.
It is also available in five different sizes from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches. You can buy this for $15.00. Source: consumersearch.com/curling-irons.
I would have to say the Gold N Hot curling irons get the hottest. I had the opportunity to work at a beauty supply store for many years. I tried many curling irons, even Marcels.
Out of all that I tried the Gold N Hot wins for the hottest. It has a temperature setting. I usually use medium heat and my daughter has to turn it on low.
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