I would love to help! Common barrel sizes for curling irons are: 3/8 inch This size would be for short hair or if you want very tight curls.5/8 inch 3/4 inch This is a common size for curling iron barrels. It can create perfect flowy curls not to kinky and not too lose.1 inch 1 1/4 inch- Great size for a large loose curl.1 1/2 inch 2 inch This size curling iron barrel will create the largest loosest curls or waves.Do all stores carry all size barrels?No.
You will have to go to a beauty supply store to find the wide ranges of barrel sizes. While there, you may also find better curling iron brands. These curling irons will most likely get hotter than a curling iron you can find at Walmart.
In the end you will most likely be happier with the overall look. Please keep in mind these are the size barrels curling irons can be made in.It does not mean that every brand makes every size. Extra tip!
For hard to curl hair or ethnic hair, the Gold N Hot curling iron is awesome.It gets very hot and has a temperature setting.
Variable heat settings: Many hair curling irons have just two heat settings: on and off. While these curling irons are fine for many women, you may want to consider a curling iron that allows you to choose your heat setting. Individuals with thick hair, for example, can benefit from a higher heat, while women with chemically treated hair or fine locks should consider using lower heat.
Different heat settings can also be helpful when it comes to curling bangs, layers and ends. Many curling irons will offer just two or three heat settings, though curling irons that offer as many as 10 heat-setting choices are also available. When using the highest curling iron heat settings, consider using hair products that protect your hair from heat damage.
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