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Welcome to————— clothes6.us ———————————- All kinds of world brand shoes,jeans,t-shirts,bikini,beach pants,handbags,wallets,sunglasses,belt,caps,watches etc.. —————have some cheap things …——————— ————————— free shipping! If you think our website is good,you can put this website to collect bookmarks or other places, easy to find ….
Here is a thought. You can go to your local beauty supply store and get both. Practice both on someone else's hair or even your own.
Then you can decide which is best for you. There are pros and cons to each. Obviously, the curling iron is a thermal product and gets very hot, which can be very damaging to the hair.
You do not run into that problem with rollers. They are easier and better for the hair. As far as difficulty, I find that the curling iron is easier to use.To get your hair to turn out perfect with rollers, you have to be able to wind the hair on rollers in the back of your head, as well.
This can be hard. I personally like the results of the curling iron curl better. You can choose to straighten at the roots and curl at the edges.
You can even do more of a spiral curl with a curling iron. My choice would be a curling iron if I could choose one or the other. But see what you think.
Welcome to————— clothes6.us ———————————- All kinds of world brand shoes,jeans,t-shirts,bikini,beach pants,handbags,wallets,sunglasses,belt,caps,watches etc.. —————have some cheap things …——————— ————————— free shipping! If you think our website is good,you can put this website to collect bookmarks or other places, easy to find ….
Here is a thought. You can go to your local beauty supply store and get both. Practice both on someone else's hair or even your own.
Then you can decide which is best for you. There are pros and cons to each. Obviously, the curling iron is a thermal product and gets very hot, which can be very damaging to the hair.
You do not run into that problem with rollers. They are easier and better for the hair. As far as difficulty, I find that the curling iron is easier to use.
To get your hair to turn out perfect with rollers, you have to be able to wind the hair on rollers in the back of your head, as well. This can be hard. I personally like the results of the curling iron curl better.
You can choose to straighten at the roots and curl at the edges. You can even do more of a spiral curl with a curling iron. My choice would be a curling iron if I could choose one or the other.
But see what you think.
Obviously, the curling iron is a thermal product and gets very hot, which can be very damaging to the hair. You do not run into that problem with rollers. They are easier and better for the hair.
As far as difficulty, I find that the curling iron is easier to use. To get your hair to turn out perfect with rollers, you have to be able to wind the hair on rollers in the back of your head, as well. This can be hard.
I personally like the results of the curling iron curl better. You can choose to straighten at the roots and curl at the edges. You can even do more of a spiral curl with a curling iron.
My choice would be a curling iron if I could choose one or the other. But see what you think. What is the best way to use hair rollers or a curling iron?
What brands of curling irons get the hottest? What size barrels do curling irons come in? What size barrel curling iron do I need to create long loose curls?
I have kinky curls, how can I get nice loose curls? How to use velcro rollers? Homosexual acts natural sinful?
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