What color should I paint my cabinets with white oak flooring, green slate countertops and dark stained wood trim?

Sort of a light clay color - a pale orangish-red, similar (but a little lighter) than the color of a clay flowerpot. Not too orange, but not too pale either. I think it is known as "salmon" .

Very lite but compatable with the counter top. With three colors already in the room you don't want it to get too busy and you also don't want to overpower the beautiful floors and trim. You might even try glass in a few of the cabinet door fronts.

Thank you. Your suggestions have been very helpful. I am leaning towards the soft green for the cabinets and as long as I stay away from the lemony hues I think it will be alright.

Dontknowhow 13 months ago .

With three "colors" already present in the kitchen, a high gloss white might be your best bet. Otherwise, a color compatible with either the flooring or the trim.

I am having a really hard time with the whites so I was hoping to go with some other color. I feel that the high gloss paint is going to give a plastic hue to it. This is a 1910 Craftman house with oak flooring and dark trim throughout.

Dontknowhow 14 months ago .

Your taste is the final decision, of course. Here painted cabinets are usually lacquered, and don't look plasticky, if the painting is done well.

Your taste is the final determining factor of course. We have a lot of houses here with the gloss white cabinets, (the craftsman style is currently fashionable) and as long as you start with a sound cabinet, the finish looks nice.

Thanks! Your suggestions have been very helpful. Dontknowhow 14 months ago .

"My kitchen cabinets are almost black, my hardwood floors are stained in Provencial. "i have dark oak cabinets and slate floors gray colors with some red. Counter tops white.

"Selling house--paint color ideas for kitchen needed! "What color should I paint my white cabinets. I have a white tile island, teal green laminate countertop, med.

"I have gray/cream honed granite counters, ss appliances, oak flooring, and "white chocolate" cabinets. "Alure flooring, dark brwn, greys. Cream cabinets w/oak trim.

"I have dark wood cabinets & trim.

Your taste is the final determining factor of course. We have a lot of houses here with the gloss white cabinets, (the craftsman style is currently fashionable) and as long as you start with a sound cabinet, the finish looks nice. TheLightWorks 60 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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