What creditors can and cannot be discharged with bankruptcy?

Exemptions under Federal law, which may cahnge a littel in State applications by the Federal BK Court you file in: Personal and Real Property: (1) Household: Up to $425.00 per item not to exceed a total of $8,625.00 (includes animals, appliances, books, crops, furnishings, household goods, clothing, musical instruments) (2) Jewelry: Up to $1,075.00 (3) Vehicles: Up to $2,575.00 (4) Work tools (implements, books and tools of trade): Up to $1,625.00 (5) Health aides (wheelchair, etc. ): Unlimited (6) Burial plot: Up to $16,500.00 (in lieu of real estate exemption) (7) Real estate (house, co-op or mobile home): Up to $16,150.00 (8) Any property: Up to $8,075.00 of unused portion of real estate exemption Wages, Pensions, Recoveries and Benefits: (1) Wages: None (2) Wrongful death funds: Amount needed for support (3) Personal injury funds: Up to $16,500.00 (excluding that for pain and suffering or pecuniary loss) (4) Lost earnings payments: Unlimited amount (5) Retirement benefits: Amount needed for support (6) Alimony / child support: Amount needed for support (7) Unemployment compensation: Unlimited amount (8) Veterans benefits: Unlimited amount (9) Social security benefits: Unlimited amount (10) Public assistance: Unlimited amount (11) Crime victims compensation: Unlimited amount Insurance: (1) Disability: Unlimited amount (2) Unemployment benefits: Unlimited amount (3) Unmatured life insurance: Unlimited amount (4) Life insurance policy loan value, dividends or interest: Up to $8,625 (5) Life insurance proceeds: Amount needed for support If you're doing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you can't discharge: Taxes and tax liens Student loans Domestic support obligations (child support and alimony) Luxury goods over $500 purchased within 90 days of filing Fines or penalties of government agencies Cash advances of more than $750 taken within 70 days of filing Fraudulent debts Willful or malicious injury to another Death or personal injury from the operation of a motor vehicle, aircraft or vessel while intoxicated Condominium or cooperative association fees Debts not listed on your schedules Debts arising from fraud or maliciousness are not automatically excepted from discharge. The creditor must make a request to the court to except these types of obligations; otherwise they will be discharged.

The bankruptcy of the principal notwithstanding. Which underlies the judgment and the chapter of bankruptcy involved. Your debt is reduced to judgment does not necessarily insulate it from discharge.

Chapter 7, if you file a non dischargeability action, but can be discharged in Chapter 13. See Contesting Discharge. Secured creditor, an exalted being in the bankruptcy realm!

The bankruptcy as a charge on the property of the debtor. More on avoiding liens. Bankruptcy: what can I do?

The automatic stay to begin or continue eviction. The lease to a third party.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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