Once the bankruptcy has been discharged how do you get the creditors that you filed bankruptcy on to show as satisfied or closed on your credit record?

First, get your discharged letter from the bankruptcy court and send it to the credit agencies. No matter what you have put in your bankruptcy, it will not come off your credit report until the bankruptcy is taking off. Make sure you keep all your bankruptcy records that list all items Soon as I was discharged from my Chapter 13 the very next day my credit score went up very high ans Anyone claiming they can remove or change the accurate history of your past should be considered a scam artist.As all conumer affairs and agencies keep on trying to make everyine aware of.

YOU can improve your future, but the past is and will remain what it is Bankruptcy, on a credit report will remain for at least 10 years. In fact, credit reports are provided by indepndent, private companies that are paid to report things they can find. Most requests follow a standard format which ask for it as above.

However if someone requests a history for a longer time, they are happy to do so, for a fee Your BK as a Federal court record, is available and on record for an almost perpetual period of time. No one (except the BK court and judge) can have that history changed or expunged.Period.

It has been almost a year since my discharge for Chapter 7 and I recently reviewed all three credit reports. Any information will help greatly in my fight to clear up my credit report. Thanks in advance.

Law went into effect, close to 1 million people filed bankruptcy. As a result, many mistakes were made. Incorrectly updated credit report.

Sent a notification to each of the creditors on your list. Say that a given creditor, "Joe's Bank," got the notification. Account (in other words, write off the account as a loss).

Now, once you receive your bankruptcy discharge from the court, the court has also sent these notifications to your creditors. Thus, in our example, Joe's Bank should change your file to read, "discharged in bankruptcy." But apparently this didn't happen.

Is the fault of the creditor. Reporting agency's record for you changes, as well. The creditor, but to go directly to the three credit bureaus.

Equifax and TransUnion and ask them to update your credit report. This can take a while, but the process is fairly straightforward. As a result, they are facing repossession.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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