What do you find rewarding about answering questions here on Askville?

I enjoy answering the questions, but I am also finding I'm doing a lot of introspection about my childhood, my parents, my kids, when they were children... I'm really enjoying the memories that answering some of these questions have brought back to me. ANyone else? Asked by NancyE 49 months ago Similar questions: find rewarding answering questions Askville Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: find rewarding answering questions Askville.

Sometimes you just need to know you are not alone.............. We all have issues and at the time we feel that we are the only one on the earth that it is happening to. My friend turned me on to Askville, she knew that I would enjoy this venue and that I needed it! It has made me laugh, cry, think, and relax.

Sometimes in our lives we just need to sit back and think before we act, this is a good place for that. Our brain plays tricks on us, we need the voice of opinion to keep us grounded! If I have gone through a situation and I can help someone else go through it easier, or let them know where I made mistakes, then I feel like I've done some good.

Sharing is healing as well. It's also fun! Since when do we not need a lil laughter in our lives.

Sources: me .

I really enjoy helping people. While most questions here aren't asked by people in distress, some are. After a while you can sort of tell, but you're never sure.So when I get a question from someone who appears to have a problem, I try to answer the question in a calm, reassuring manner while providing the information that they need.

If the problem isn't soluble on line, I always try to direct them to a professional in the area. If the question is purely a human relationship sort of issue, I try to be warm and comforting and try to point them in the right direction to seek professional help. You never know if someone who asks a question such as, "Why do I feel sad this week?

" might really be suicidally depressed and posting a hidden cry for help. I take messages like that very seriously. Its nice to get a compliment or a private e-mail from someone who appreciates my help.

One of those every now and then keeps me going to a long while.

Sources: personal opinion and cited above Snow_Leopard's Recommendations Sex and The City Trivia Game The Book of General Ignorance Amazon List Price: $19.95 Used from: $12.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 9 reviews) Chelsea Trivia Game Amazon List Price: $0.00 Spurs Trivia Game Amazon List Price: $0.00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Game Amazon List Price: $24.99 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) .

I like helping people I like being helpful and I often find out interesting information along the way to my answers. I also like the feeling of satisfaction that comes from public demonstration of my knowledge on various subjects. It also makes me think about topics that I haven’t necessarily considered before, sometimes when I start answering a question I find that I know more or less than I originally thought I did on the subject..

It is rewarding both as a questioner and as someone that answers.... As an answerer: I enjoy questions that ask you to provide reasons for something or things to consider when doing something if it is an area that I have thought about before and have something I think I can offer. In answering the question, I am summarizing and formulating the answer for myself as well. It is a pleasing and valuable exercise.

I also find rewarding questions that let me recreate memories past. Having a permissible reverie is fun and if it means something to the questioner, it is even more enjoyable. Finally, I do like to research questions that are interesting, or are things I always wanted to know anyway (once the question reminds me of my interest).

An example: someone recently asked about square nails and since my grandfather's house had been built with square nails, I always wanted to know more about them. As a Questioner: I usually ask questions that are real information needs and that aren't easily or productively researched -- that is, they usually depend on someones real world experience in the area. The information is rewarding and often very appropriate to what I want to know.

Sometimes I ask questions that I would enjoy reading about -- perhaps imaginary childhood friends or family interactions or some nostalgia or trivia that is just fun to think about and read responses about. There are other rewards but that is enough for now... good question.

1 Thannisan, regarding your answer "It is rewarding both as a questioner and as someone that answers....":Thanks, Thannisan! .

Thannisan, regarding your answer "It is rewarding both as a questioner and as someone that answers....":Thanks, Thannisan!

" "Why am I having a problem answering questions on Askville, I keep getting there is an error on my page. Please help. " "Do you get any achievment awards for Answering questions anymore on Askville?

Why am I having a problem answering questions on Askville, I keep getting there is an error on my page. Please help.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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