I absolutely love the hair products from Lush. They are great for the environment (the solid items especially) because of the "naked" packaging, they do wonders for your hair, and they smell abso-freaking-loutly amaaaaaaaaaaaazing. My favorites are Ultimate Shine shampoo, Jungle conditioner and American Cream conditioner.
The 3-in-1 Philosophy products smell amazing in the shower, though have less staying-power (smell wise) afterward than Lush products, and don't come in conditioner form, so are only good on days you don't need the moisture boost from conditioner in your hair. Still, the red velvet cake and amazing grace scents are my very favourites :).
One of the best smelling shampoo's and conditioner I found, was Clairol Herbal Essences. They have a great range for all hair types. They really smell great, and must say, I found it a very good product as well.
I personally think Pantene shampoo and conditioner leaves my hair smelling great. I love how it works on my hair and how fresh my hair smells when using it. Pantene you can get pretty much anywhere including retailers like Walmart!
Sometimes product we use after we shampoo and condition can leave our hair smelling great. Aussie has a great smelling Sprunch Spray (yes it is actually called sprunch not scrunch. ) It is made for wavy or curly hair and helps define the curls.
I love how it smells. If your daughter does not have curly hair, hairsprays can smell great, as well. I hate to say it, but sometimes the more expensive salon brands smell better than cheaper products.
Sebastian has great smelling everything from shampoo to sprays and serums.
I would have to say that Pantene shampoo and conditioner smells great. Pantene is affordable, works wonders and has a clean smell. You may also look for a shampoo that has your favorite scent in it.
For example, if lavender is a smell you enjoy, look for a lavender smelling shampoo at your retail or beauty supply store. If you already enjoy the smell, it will be even more refreshing coming from your very own head. I enjoy shampoo and conditioner with almond scent.
Whenever I see them at the grocery store, I grab them. I am not too picky about the brand, more so the scent.
It's always tricky to say which is the best smelling anything, because the fragrance that one person finds appealing, the next person will find appalling! However in my opinion, I think that Fructis is the brand which is the best smelling shampoo and conditioner. It has the most wonderful fresh clean smell which lasts for quite a while.
Not only that, but I find that the quality is very good and the prices are very reasonable. Fructis is made by Garnier and there are coupons available online so you can make savings on this brand. The range has shampoos and conditioners for every type of hair, including intensive conditioners to help improve the driest hair.
There is one point, you do not need to use too much, especially the shampoos, it rinses away more easily then and it's more economical. If it is in your local store, try it out and see if you also like the fresh smell.
It's always tricky to say which is the best smelling anything, because the fragrance that one person finds appealing, the next person will find appalling! However in my opinion, I think that Fructis is the brand which is the best smelling shampoo and conditioner. It has the most wonderful fresh clean smell which lasts for quite a while.
Not only that, but I find that the quality is very good and the prices are very reasonable.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.