I recommend you buy the pre-seasoned Thai Wok Set with side-handle and flat bottom. It is made of carbon steel that is a natural "non-stick" material that makes it ideal wok for cooking food. It is pre-seasoned so you can start using this right away.
The more this pan is used the more it become durable. Carbon stee makes heating fast, superior, and efficient and have even distribution of heat. It can withstand high temperatures that are needed for stir-fry cooking and guarantee not to crack and peel.
You just need a small amount of oil to the hot wok because it has an easy-release surface. If you use this for a long time any scratches with darken and regain their seasoned properties and you will never have to throw your work because of accidental damage of the cooking surface. It has a flat bottom that sits directly on the burner and makes it easy to use on American stove tops.It is also very functional because it has two wood handles, the main handle and a wide side grip.
It also comes with a stainless steel spatula. This work costs $24.95 and you can order this at the source below.
I was reading a chef discussion and they suggest that the brand does not matter in a wok, but rather the construction of the wok. A thick and rigid steel is what is suggested to be the best wok. Most Asian stores will carry well constructed woks with lids.
If you do not have an Asian store near by you can find good woks anywhere, even Walmart. The woks come with or without lids. Getting a good quality wok upfront will last you a long time.So, it is best to get the best constructed wok upfront!
I have not yet purchased a wok yet, although I have been looking into it for a while and that was when I came up with the information I did. I am going to try a local Asian store and purchase one with the lid. For some reason I really enjoy having lids with my pots and pans.
The answer to which wok is best for you depends a little bit on your cooking setup at home. Here are a couple of factors to consider: 1. Flat or round bottom – If you have an electric range at home, you will want a flat bottom wok.
Flat will also work on gas, but with gas you can also consider getting a round bottom wok which is more traditional. 2. Material – the most authentic would be to get something that is carbon steel, but if you want to avoid some hassle with cleanup, you might want to consider getting a wok with a non-stick surface.3. Size – This will mostly be determined by the space in your kitchen, but a slightly bigger wok will give you a little more space and flexibility when you are doing wok cooking.
That should help you figure what kind of wok you want. To get the exact one, one of the best places I have seen is called the Wok Shop. You can find them online (wokshop.com/store).
A good wok doesn't cost a ton of money, so just figure out what works best for you and enjoy!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.