What is the cheapest (least expensive) new car available in Canada? Or should I buy a beater instead. My car died today?

I'm so sorry to hear that... :( I've seen this article online which I think would help you. I've seen this car personally and it doesn't look too cheap. Hyundai Accent is priced for only $9,995 in Canada for the 3-door sedan.It's also economical when it comes to fuel.

It has 1.6 L engine as well as a five-speed transmission. Not too bad right? I think it's the only brand new car so far you can have below $10,000.

If you don't want the 3-door one, you could go for the 4 door car.

My honest opinion is that a new car depraciates the moment you drive it off the lot. Last year we got a 2008 Dodge Charger at a great deal, and it was 9 months old. So, new to us.

There are so many great deals at your local dealers. We never thought of trading our 2002 Dodge Caravan(mini van) for a Charger. However, the dealership worked with the warantees.

Instead of buying something a few years old, and getting an off site warantee (which the dealership and finance company required) we put our money into a newer car which still had the manufacturer warantee. Good and bad with this. We are almost at our max KLM for the warranty already.

BUT, we treat the car well, get oil changes and cross our fingers that all will be well in the future. There are rebates with some dealerships, and many deals to be found at your local dealership. So go to their websites and you might be able to hunt down a good deal.

If your interest is in a compact car, those would obviously be the cheapest. The latest 'hot options' would be: Dodge Caliber(I love this car! )- dodge.ca/en/caliber/ Suzuki Swift- suzuki.ca/automotive?province=ON&culture... Kia has a few-Soul,Rio,and Forte http://www.kia.ca/ listed on the left hand side Honda Fit- http://www.honda.ca/HondaCA2006/Models/Fit/2009/default.asp?L=E Chevrolet Aveo or Wave http://www.gm.ca/gm/english/showrooms/cars?adv=72467 Hyunday Accent Hatchback- http://www.hyundaicanada.com/Pages/showroom/showroom.aspx?model=Accent Hatchback Ford Focus- http://www.ford.ca/app/fo/en/cars/focus.do There, I think that about covers it :) We are huge Dodge fans.

Some curse Dodge, but for the value of the money, we love them. I must say that Kia has always seemed cheap, and Hyundai Im for some reason partial to. Spend your money wisely, get a good deal, and try to get some extra tires or extended warrantee out of them.

Get something! They want your sale. ;) Best of luck.

Take Care, K.

I'm almost ready for a new car, Wayne. I've been wondering about the same thing. To be upfront, I don't know anything about cars.

The last car I purchased was a new 2005 Maxima. Taking it into the dealership having the full warranty was a rare, simple joy in my life. I'd say "something doesn't sound right" toss the keys across the counter and they'd toss a loaner set back.

Today, I think that buying a small pickup truck would suit my needs a little better. Used prices are waaaay down and I think I could get an ok deal. The biggest draw for me to move to a beater is that the salt in and around Toronto seems to destroy cars and the insurance is (usually) lower.

Still, new car prices and 0% financing are attractive. If I was looking for a clean, back-and-forth to work car that was cheap and easy on gas, I would buy either a Yaris or a Mazda 3. New 2005 Mazda 3's are sitting on the lot in my 'hood for around $10k out the door.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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