What is the difference between the canon 30d and canon rebel xti?

I have the original canon rebel 6.3mp but am thinking of buying a newer camera. The 30d is 8.2mp and the canon rebel xti is 10mp. The 30d is more expensive, why?

Asked by myquestions 53 months ago Similar questions: difference canon 30d rebel xti Computers > Hardware > Computer Accessories.

Similar questions: difference canon 30d rebel xti.

Computers > Hardware > Computer Accessories.

The Rebel XTi is considered more entry-level than the 30d Even though it has higher resolution, the 30D has many other advantages, but these are pretty widely debated. If you need spot metering, manual color temperature control, and a better burst mode then you'll probably want to step up to the EOS-30D. But the better resolution on the Rebel XTi is noticeable on larger prints.

The Canon 400D (as the Rebel XTi is also known as) is a much newer camera, sporting some fancy features (anti-dust sensor, 10 Megapixels) the 30D lacks, yet the EOS30D has some functionality and specifications (5 frames-per-second, 3.5% spot metering) that are in demand by certain photographers. To get a good spec comparison between the two, check these links:EOS 30D - dlcmh.shoplinc.com/search.php?q=Canon+30... - http://dlcmh.shoplinc.com/search.php?q=Canon+XTiAnd if you want to wade through some of the lengthier discussions, here are some of the ones accessible from this site: 1. In this thread about a Canon 5D user desiring the 1.6X crop factor’s benefits (higher pixel density, note 5.7 µm on the XTi vs 6.4 µm on the 30D) for wildlife, several former Rebel XT / 350D users chimed in, saying that they found the images from the XTi to be less satisfactory than what they could get from their old Rebel XT, citing the 400D’s tendency to underexpose images, with the propensity to produce soft (resulting from aggressive in-camera noise reduction), noisy images above ISO400.

Returning their XTi and then purchasing the Canon 30D which produced highly-detailed and superior images (especially at higher ISO values all the way to ISO3200) was the best decision they could have made. 2. If your place a high importance on a camera’s viewfinder, you will find the EOS 30D’s larger pentaprism viewfinder to be superior to the smaller, dimmer pentamirror version found on the XTi.3.

The 5 fps (frames per second) feature is something many sports photographers might not be able to live without. If this describes you, then you’d have no choice but to purchase the EOS30D rather than the slower, 3 fps Rebel XTi.4. The 30D has more control switches and dials, for example the rear wheel to quickly select among menu options, and a multi-controller that allows easy selection of any one of the 9 focus points.5.

See a chart showing a side-by-side comparison of the 30D vs XTi 6. Even though the XTi is much cheaper, this photographer bought the 30D because it is a better fit for his requirements for shooting low-light ice hockey photography.7. You might take issue with the Rebel XTi’s smaller and cramped grip area.8.

If you’re a previous or current owner of the Canon EOS 10D and thinking of upgrading to the newer generation of EOS digital cameras, you’d probaby find yourself more at home with the rugged feel of the EOS 30D body and controls compared to the XTi.9. The 30D has ISO3200 available, which is a nice, convenient feature to have when you need faster shutter speeds in low light situations. The XTi in comparison, goes only to ISO 1600.

Canon XTi ProsIn the Canon 400D’s favour are these advantages: 1. Cheaper options for remote control are available for the Canon XTi 2. The 10MP resolution advantage of the XTi over the 30D is visible in 16 x 24 printshttp://canon30d.dpnotes.com/canon-30d-vs-rebel-xti/I hope that helps!

Sources: http://canon30d.dpnotes.com/canon-30d-vs-rebel-xti/ .

I'm a student, or else I'd get the 5D... Being a student I am also cheap (not by choice) so was looking at the XTi pricewise, but if there is some reason why the 30D would be a better choice I'd like to know... I'm a Graphic Design student, ending 1st yr and want a camera that will last me many years, even when starting to work... again the 5D would be great... but... it's a bit out of my price range. ThanksAnswersJon Austin, Apr 02, 2007; 04:39 p.m. Compare size and construction: the 30D is larger and has a magnesium alloy "skeleton.

" Plus the very useful Quick Control Dial. It's mostly a case of superior interface (30D) vs. newer technology (XTi). That the 30D wasn't superceded last month by a newer model (a la 40D) with the more current technologies found in the XTi is a source of chagrin and anguish for many Canon 10/20/30D and Digital Rebel (original/XT) owners.

Leopold Stotch, Apr 02, 2007; 04:50 p.m. The self cleaning option and higher resolution is about all the XTi has going for it on the 30D. Others will certainly disagree, saying that its better on little more than the fact that it is newer.

If you compare the statistics of the two, you will see that the 30D is superior most capacities. As for the 30D compared to the XTi, it has a higher max shutter speed, faster frame rate, 1/3 stop ISO settings, larger buffer, faster flash sync, spot metering, longer battery life, better build, ISO 3200, and a few more minor features. You decide if thats worth an extra $300.

To some, it is not, to others, it makes all the difference. Brian P, Apr 02, 2007; 04:59 p.m.To continue with what Leopold started... The 30d has a dedicated status LCD, dedicated rear dial, larger and brighter viewfinder, better grip, better interface for most functions, and a few more minor features. It is lacking a relatively ineffective dust removal system, and an extra 2 megapixels.

The XTi is by no means a bad camera- you really need to hold and shoot with each camera to make your decision. I owned a Rebel XT and have used an XTi, but you couldn't pry my 30d out of my hands. Ronald Moravec, Apr 02, 2007; 05:06 p.m.

XTI is just a plastic consumer grade camera that does not even have a glass pentaprism. For the intended family / amateur use it is a fine camera. David Crenshaw, Apr 02, 2007; 05:58 p.m.

Ronald got it in a nutshell -- the Rebel is intended for amateurs. That doesn't make it a bad camera at all, just one that many pros wouldn't be as interested in. The 30D, while certainly not on the level of the 1 series bodies, is more professional.

It's studier built so it can be banged around a bit more, the mirror mechanism is designed to be fired a lot more, the controls allow for a lot more control to be done a lot more easily. The Rebel is intended more for Aunt Sally to get pictures of the kiddies during the family vacation to Disney World. Jim Doty, Apr 02, 2007; 07:48 p.m.

Sources: http://photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00KbHf .

30D has a more rugged grip , better viewscreen, higher ISO speeds, 5fps capture vs XTI's 3fps, and more quick set dials. 30D has a more rugged grip , better viewscreen, higher ISO speeds, 5fps capture vs XTI's 3fps, and more quick set dials. Some say the XTI takes worse/noisier/grainier photos than the 30D even on the same ISO setting.

Side by side comparison:dpreview.com/reviews/compare_post.asp?me... The XTI would give more pixels or larger photos to crop down. Sources: http://canon30d.dpnotes.com/canon-30d-vs-rebel-xti/ .

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I own a Canon Rebel XTi and im looking for a good inexpensive walkaround lens (could be a Sigma or Tamron). Suggestions?

What is the best Canon lens for macro on the Rebel XTI.

I have a canon eos rebel Xti. I use Piknic . Com to edit my photos, how can I find out how many pixels each picture is?

For anyone who has bought the canon rebel xti from amazon.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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