Which is better Canon EOS 30D or Canon XTi Rebel 10.1 Megapixel?

Which is better Canon EOS 30D or Canon XTi Rebel 10.1 Megapixel Asked by boff 54 months ago Similar questions: Canon EOS 30D XTi Rebel 10 Megapixel Uncategorized.

Similar questions: Canon EOS 30D XTi Rebel 10 Megapixel.

Depends on your needs Both are great cameras, the xti is smaller and has more megapixels, but lacks the scroll wheel. The 30 has less megapixels (which really doesn't make to much of a differnce at small, or medium size prints), is larger (for some this is good others its bad) and the layout of the 30d is significantly different than the xti. I wouldn't say that one layout is better than the other, however the second scroll wheel on the 30D definitely makes quick changes of settings easier.

I prefer the xti strictly for the size, but would like to have the slightly larger viewfinder and scroll wheel of the 30D.

The 30D, all the way The website in the link I referenced will show you the two cameras compared side by side. The first thing you will notice is the price. The 30D costs more, and the reason for this is because it is a better camera.

Hands down. Yep, the XTi has a higher megapixel count, which means you could potentially print your photos in a larger size, if that is your final goal. However, if you plan on taking any action shots whatsoever - your kid's soccer game, bumblebees in flight, whatever - you WILL notice the difference between these two cameras very, very quickly.

The XTi has a maximum shutter speed of 1/4000, in comparison to the 30D's 1/8000. If most of your photography is stills (portraits, nature scenes, and the like) and you want the extra 2 megapixels to increase your potential print size, then I guess the XTi would probably suffice. But if you want a camera that will be more versatile, and take beautiful stills as well as awesome action shots, my recommendation is certainly the 30D - it is a very, very good camera, and I am in the process of saving up for one myself.(I've already done this research for my own benefit, hehe) Sources: dpreview.com/reviews/compare_post.asp?me... .

In short. In short, really your only difference between the two that you will ever notice without comparing them directly to one another is how they feel when shooting. You will see little differences in image quality because that is based more on the lens that you use.

I think the 30d might have a gher ISO setting (probably 3200 which is up from 1600 on the XTi), and 9 focus points instead of 7.

It depends on what is important to you I shoot with the Canon 10D and 30D digital SLRs. I have considered but excluded the Rebels primarily because of their construction. I had a strap failure on a bag containing one of these cameras with a flash unit attached.

The camera landed upside down on the flash, which was ripped off the camera mount. The camera itself was fine, and the flash unit was repairable at a relatively low cost. I was told by the repair center that, if I'd had a Rebel, the top of the camera would have been ripped off.

I also wanted the more extended feature set provided with the 30D compared with the Rebel series. For my shooting, I would stick with the higher quality and lower resolution (which still does a fine job of showing the limitations of even Canon L-series lenses).

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With respect to the Canon Rebel (XT vs. XTi), how important is the new self-cleaning dust function.

For anyone who has bought the canon rebel xti from amazon.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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