What is the least sexy sport at the Olympics? Does less sexy necessarily mean boring?

I tend to disagree with some people that think that the Winter Olympics are not sexy. I would say all of the figure skating events, whether it be couples or mans or woman's, I think they are all sexy to watch. I was watching the mens event last night and I thought Johnny Weir was very sexy and fun to watch.

I do have to admit that all the downhill, bobsled, luge and snowboarding don't have very sexy people in it. Mainly because in the winter sports, when they are outside in all those events, they are so bundled up against the cold, most of the time you can't tell if it's a woman or a man. :-).

I do fear that I am the only person in the world who finds nothing exciting or sexy about the Olympics. So I guess the least sexy sport would be every event there. When I think of sexy I see Patrick Swayze sitting behind Demi Moore in the pottery scene or that scene in Ghost of him lifting Babe in Dirty Dancing.

Perhaps half dressed hotties like Patrick dancing in the Olympics would make it sexy and exciting to watch for me.

When you say less sexy, the old images of the Russian athletes comes to mind. I know this is a horrible stereotype and obviously not true for all athletes from any country. Sometimes I wonder if photographer would intentionally find the most masculine looking woman and photograph her.

Now with the ubiquity of all media, we can see more than just a few of the athletes. I have to say though that I find most winter sports pretty boring, sexy or not. I think that is partially why the olympics were split up.

After the summer Olympics, not many people cared about the winter ones. I'm sure finances may have had something to do with it too. But now that the winter olympics get their own year, the media can focus on them.

More money is probably brought in doing it every two years rather than the every four (granted the athletes only compete every four but the hoopla around it is every two). I'm sure having sexy looking athletes is important but with many of them all bundled up, who can see them anyway. Maybe another reason that the summer olympics is more popular is because of all the half dressed people that are in the best shape of their lives.So I'm not sure there is a less sexy sport and I'm not sure sexiness makes or breaks a sport.

After all, curling has a following and that doesn't seem very interesting or sexy and yet people watch.

This is also the weirdest Olympic sport: Ski shooting.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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